Robot Environment


  • SpringBoot was used to create a new application.
  • The analysis of documents and projects was completed.
  • PostgreSQL was used as the database.


  • AOP logging was added for all services.
  • Modelmapper library was added for DTO conversions.


  • An auditable BaseEntity has been added to keep track of when record was saved and when it was last updated.
  • Robot entity was created. A robot dto has also been created to be sent to frontend.
  • Find last record was added.
  • First robot service and API were added.


  • Details about arena was added to application properties.
  • The TurnAround function, which triggers the robot to turn around itself, was implemented.
  • Create a new robot and save it if there is not one when the application is launched.
  • Checking and running the script was added.


  • JUnit and Mockito libraries were used for unit testing.
  • Different cases of the script, such as null or empty, were tested.
  • Various test cases were prepared about many of the commands sent with the script.


  • Added Swagger ui to view API access points.
  • Instructions were included in the README on how to use the API.

API Reference

API Address

Get the robot's last position.

  GET /api/robot
Parameter Type Description
none none none

Response example

  "createdDate": "2022-05-05T01:06:53.924Z",
  "direction": "DOWN",
  "id": 1,
  "turnAround": true,
  "updatedDate": "2022-05-05T01:06:53.924Z",
  "xcoordinate": 0,
  "ycoordinate": 0

Give commands to the robot via script.

  POST /api/robot
Request Body
Parameter Type Description
scriptText string The command to be sent to the robot

Response example

  "createdDate": "2022-05-05T01:06:53.924Z",
  "direction": "RIGHT",
  "id": 1,
  "turnAround": true,
  "updatedDate": "2022-05-05T01:06:53.924Z",
  "xcoordinate": 3,
  "ycoordinate": 2