For review the full cases, please clone or download project as zip. You can see all test scenarios under the doc folder.
In this project I have prepared some test cases for manual and automation to make some transactions for application.
There are many test scenarios under the folder.
If you want to run full suite as manuel, please apply the AllCases sheet in excel file.
If you want to run only specific scenarios, you can switch to particular sheet in same excel file.
For more, please download file.
Tester can decide to which tests should be automated or manual according to the scenarios. Each test step has test data and requirement if needed. So, if you want to gain a clear path, just follow the scenario :)
Basically for these frameworks / concepts we can say:
Selenium : This article describes clearly
Maven: Dependency Management is clearly declared in Maven
Cucumber: Understandable format (like plain English) to Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, etc
Here are a framework that i developed for automation tests using maven and junit with cucumber
I tried to consider the following user story for automated test examples:
Feature1: Valid Login
- As a Test Automation Developer
- I want to login to application and
- I try to close browser
Feature2: Add user to list
- As a Test Automation Developer
- I want to login to application and
- I want to add item to list
Here is an execution report. You can see all test steps
- I used Page Object Design Pattern in this framework.
- Some Advantages of POM
Avoid to write the duplicate locators for same WebElement
Maintenance of the test script which becomes very easy
Robust and more readable
The Object-oriented approach makes the framework programmer friendly
In above framework there are two simple scenarios for login and adding a record to ''
- Java 1.8 or higher
- Maven 3.6 or higher
First, clone or download the project to your computer
Open the project in eclipse (File->Open Projects From File System)
Under the src/test/java package find the runners
In a runner class right click on mouse and run as JUnit test scenario as below
or watch this video
Thats it :)
• Junit and Cucumber provides effective report types to us. You can see this reports under the TestReports folder after the execution. Here are some of them: