
A Journey Through Time: Erasing My Carbon Foot Prints from Past to the Present to the Future!


An Attempt to Erase My Carbon Foot Prints from Past to the Present to the Future!

A personal journey to reach carbon negative in 2 years!! Really?

Lowering my carbon foot print for the future is very tough, right?

Let's measure or guestimate it first. We can not improve what we can not measure. My carbon footprint is right about 20 tons due to several international flights. Do you know yours?

Do you every wonder what happens to the carbons emitted since we were born?

What if I want to truly erase our impacts on this world in order to be as gentle with the natural environment as the other species sharing this world?

Why in the world do I want to do that?

Because, I can if we really wanted and make it a priority. Then, why don't I? or You?

Life gets in the way! We live our lives today with the credit from the future generations. Isn't it obvious?

It is like stealing from my kid's piggy bank in order to pay for a to-go coffee... Then, why do I keep doing this? Why don't I change?

Why don't I hedge our risks for our kids, environment, species etc?

Maybe, I am addicted to our modern life sytles so much that I don't know how to live without them. We are so far removed from our food production systems, and our interaction with nature is mostly limited to a few parks sprinkled on downtowns like a few olives on a giant pizza. I most probaby spend more time in driving to get to a park than actual walking/hiking/enjoying in the park.

How can I even think about achiveing this? Isn't it too complex, too late, just me etc, just give up...

Never too late to do anything. Best time to act/plant-a-tree is tens of years ago, but the second best time is NOW. Do you want to wait and see if there is a third best time?

How do I approach such a complex problem that overwhelms even the brightest minds of the world for decades, and confuses some more than provide answers. I try to take a bird's eye view of the problem first and then zoom into the details in different areas. I am very practical due to engineering education, thus solutions/procedures that we can come up with can be short terms, stop-gap measures at time to staisfy the immediate needs with the premise that it will be fxed with time properly when the urgency is away.

I would like to use a tree approach to our carbon emissions to properly size and categrozie the problem and identify the bigger branches/contributers and find ways to address them first to get the best gain.

What now?

I/You may be ready to do some world saving actions, but we need some tools.. What tools are available to us to do this? We need a way to asses, measure, guesstimate, categorize, prioritize, and slowly start adressing.

Along this journey, my goal is to educate myself more and more every day, speakup for the ones that can not, including the other living things as our/mine actions have direct and measurable impact in the local as well as global environment as we are all connected.