
It's a restful api with async await structure on Node JS. Used Express.js and mongoose. Includes CRUID Operations with authorization using JWT and admin/user parameters. Includes Image Upload proccess also. All important config settings can be change at config.env (under config/env folder).

For upload whole answers, questions and users data to mongoDB, please use command below at terminal:

npm run import

For delete whole answers, questions and users data to mongoDB, please use command below at terminal:

npm run delete


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/user GET Empty List all users.
/api/user/:id GET Empty List user's information with its id.
/api/user?limit=10 GET Empty Lists all users up to 10 pieces on JSON format.
/api/users?page=2 GET Empty Lists all users with page format on JSON data format.
/api/users?search=userName GET Empty Search a user with query and response on JSON data format.


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/admin/block/:id GET Empty Toggle block status of user.
/api/admin/user/:id DELETE Empty Delete user with its questions.


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/auth/profile GET Empty Sends User's information on JSON.
/api/auth/register POST {'name':'', 'email':'', 'password':'123456'} Create a new user.
/api/auth/edit PUT {'name':'', 'email':'', 'password':'123456'} Edit information of user with its token.
/api/auth/upload POST Key: 'profile_image' Value: image file Upload a image for profile.
/api/auth/login POST {'email':'', 'password':'123456'} Log in.
/api/auth/logout GET Empty Log out.
/api/auth/forgotpassword POST {'email:''} Sends reset link to email.
/api/auth/resetpassword?resetPasswordToken="Reset Password Token" POST {'password:''} Resets password with token.


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/questions GET Empty Lists all questions on JSON format
/api/questions?limit=10 GET Empty Lists all questions up to 10 pieces on JSON format.
/api/questions?page=2 GET Empty Lists all questions with page format on JSON data format.
/api/questions?search=QuestionName GET Empty Search a question with query and response on JSON data format.
/api/questions?sortBy=most-answered GET Empty Lists most answered questions on JSON format.
/api/questions?sortBy=most-liked GET Empty Lists most liked questions on JSON format.
/api/questions/ask POST {'title':'New Question Title', 'content':'Content Text'} Create a new question.
/api/questions/:id GET Empty List question and answers of question with its id.
/api/questions/:id/edit PUT {'title':'Question Title', 'content':'Content Text'} Update question if user is owner it.
/api/questions/:id/delete DELETE EMPTY Delete question if user is owner it.
/api/questions/:id/like GET Empty Add user's id at likes of question.
/api/questions/:id/undo_like GET Empty Remove user's id from likes of question.


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/api/questions/:question_id/answers POST {'content':'This is an answer'} Create a new answer of a question with its id.
/api/questions/:question_id/answers GET Empty Lists all answers of question on JSON format.
/api/questions/:question_id/answers/:answer_id GET Empty Get single answer information of question on JSON format.
/api/questions/:question_id/answers/:answer_id/edit PUT {'content':'This is new content of answer'} Update Content of answer.
/api/questions/:question_id/answers/:answer_id/delete DELETE Empty Delete an answer.
/api/questions/:question_id/answers/:answer_id/like GET Empty Add user's id at likes of answer.
/api/questions/:question_id/answers/:answer_id/undo_like GET Empty Remove user's id from likes of answer.

This project made as a homework for Mustafa Murat Coskun's UDEMY Course