*README* To build the toolkit: see ./INSTALL. These instructions are valid for UNIX systems including various flavors of Linux; Darwin; and Cygwin (has not been tested on more "exotic" varieties of UNIX). For Windows installation instructions (excluding Cygwin), see windows/INSTALL. To run the example system builds, see egs/README.txt If you encounter problems (and you probably will), please do not hesitate to contact the developers at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kaldi-help. In addition to specific questions, please let us know if there are specific aspects of the project that you feel could be improved, that you find confusing, etc., and which missing features you most wish it had. ** Kaldi information channels ** For HOT news about Kaldi see: http://kaldi-asr.org/ Documentation of Kaldi: http://kaldi-asr.org/doc/ - info about the project, description of techniques, tutorial for C++ coding - Doxygen reference of the C++ code Kaldi forum, mailing-lists: http://kaldi-asr.org/forums.html - User list : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kaldi-help (kaldi-help@googlegroups.com). - Developer list : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kaldi-developers (kaldi-developers@googlegroups.com) - also try luck and search in SourceForge archives: https://sourceforge.net/p/kaldi/discussion/ Development pattern for contributors: A) create a personal fork of the kaldi-asr/kaldi repository in github, B) make your changes in a named branch different from "master", e.g. you create a branch "my-awesome-feature". C) generate a pull request through the web interface of github D) as a general rule, please follow Google C++ Style Guide. There are a few exceptions in Kaldi -- please consult http://kaldi-asr.org/doc/style.html You can use the Google's cpplint.py to verify that your code is free of some basic mistakes.