
OCaml bindings to the SQLite3 database

Primary LanguageOCamlOtherNOASSERTION

SQLite3-OCaml - SQLite3 Bindings for OCaml

What is SQLite3-OCaml?

SQLite3-OCaml is an OCaml library with bindings to the SQLite3 client API. Sqlite3 is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine with outstanding performance for many use cases.

These bindings are written in a way that enables a friendly coexistence with the old (version 2) SQLite and its OCaml wrapper ocaml-sqlite.


The API in file lib/sqlite3.mli is fully documented, and HTML-documentation can be built using make doc and installed with this distribution. It can also be found online.

SQLite3 has its own online documentation.


The test-directory in this distribution contains a few simple examples for testing various features of this library.

Build issues

SQLite3-OCaml depends on pkg-config to locate and compile against an SQLite3 library.

If the SQLite3 version is greater than or equal to 3.3.7, it is assumed that it supports Run-Time Loadable Extensions. If this feature has been explicitly disabled in the library, building applications will fail with:

Undefined symbols for architecture ...:
  "_sqlite3_enable_load_extension", referenced from:
      _caml_sqlite3_enable_load_extension in libsqlite3_stubs.a(sqlite3_stubs.o)
     (maybe you meant: _caml_sqlite3_enable_load_extension)
  • You can check if your library is missing loadable extensions by searching it for the string OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION.

  • If you need to change where pkg-config will look for the SQLite3 library, set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the new directory. This can be automated by setting the SQLITE3_OCAML_BREWCHECK environment variable; this will instruct the build to see if a brewed version of SQLite is installed and route pkg-config appropriately.

  • You can explicitly disable run-time loadable extensions by calling configure with the flag --disable-loadable-extensions or by setting the environment variable SQLITE3_DISABLE_LOADABLE_EXTENSIONS if linking problems persist.


  • Enrico Tassi contributed support for user-defined scalar functions.

  • Markus Mottl rewrote Christian's bindings for Jane Street Holding, LLC to clean up a few things and to make it perform better in multi-threaded environments.

  • Christian Szegedy wrote the initial release for SQLite version 3.

  • Mikhail Fedotov wrote ocaml-sqlite for SQLite version 2. His bindings served as a reference for this wrapper, but sqlite3 is written completely from scratch since the C interface changed significantly.

Contact Information and Contributing

In the case of bugs, feature requests, contributions and similar, please communicate with the maintainers using the GitHub project page.


Markus Mottl on January 5, 2015