Cartoon Classification on Android using TF Lite

To use this app, you need to have a pre-trained image classification TF Lite model. This app can be used for any custom-trained model.


It is assumed that you already have a TF Lite image classification model of yourself.

  1. Clone the repository on your local machine.

  2. Copy your .tflite model and its corresponding label.txt file inside Cartoon-Classification-on-Android-using-TF-Lite\app\src\main\assets folder.

  3. Open the project in Android Studio and let the project build itself.

  4. Open file and edit Line 169 by replacing cartoon_model.tflite with the name of your TF Lite model. Also edit Line 231 by replacing cartoon_labels.txt with the name of your model's label file.

  5. Build and run the app on your physical device or on emulator.

