GovSchool is an alumni tracking application built for Mississippi Governor's School using Rails 5.
You'll need Ruby version 2.3.1. If you don't already, I'd suggest using rbenv to install new versions of Ruby. You'll also need PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch. On MacOS, the easiest way to install these is via
brew install postgres
brew install elasticsearch
The output of each command will have information on how to start the services. It'll be
something like brew services start postgresql
Once you've met the prerequisites, you'll want to get the code onto your machine.
git clone
cd govschool
bundle install
rails db:create && rails db:migrate
rails start
Assuming everything was successful, you should not be able to visit http://localhost:3000 and see the site up and running!
If you need to reindex the Elasticsearch data, the easiest way is rails searchkick:reindex:all