A WoW DB to SQL/CSV converter

Primary LanguageC#


A command line tool for exporting World of Warcraft's various DB files to SQL and/or CSV. This tool is powered by DBCD and WoWDBDefs so supports all DB formats which are almost all named.

Project Prerequisites

  • .Net Core 5


Long Name Short Name Description
--directory --d Directory containing DB files, defaults to the current one
--build --b Client build string e.g. "" (see notes)
--connection --c SQL connection string for SQL exports
--output --o Output directory for CSV exports
--drop Drops and recreates tables (SQL)
--fk Exports Relationship fields as foreign keys (SQL)
--help Shows this table


Exporting the current directory to SQL with foreign keys and table drop:

MyDBC.exe --c "Server=localhost;Database=test;Uid=root;Pwd=;" --drop --fk

Exporting the current directory to CSV:

MyDBC.exe --o "D:\Test"


  • All tables and CSV files will be named as per their source filename.
  • --connection and --output can be used simultaneously.
  • --build is required for all DBs before Legion so that DBCD can load the correct structure.
  • The tool uses MySQL's LOAD DATA command which by default, appends to an existing table. You will need to use the --drop argument if this is not desired.
  • Unfortunately WoWDBDef "foreign keys" are not supported, only "relations", due to them not lending themselves well to MySQL's optional foreign key constraints. In short; WoW uses 0 whereas MySQL uses NULL to dictate a missing reference.