
CS50w Project 2: A Psuedo-Ebay Clone

Primary LanguagePython

eBay Commerce Clone

For CS50w Project 2

  • Listing Model
  • Create Listing Page
  • Bid Model
  • Comment Model
  • Active Listing Page
  • Listing Page - Comment Form
  • Listing Page - End Auction
  • Listing Page - Bid Form
  • Watchlist
  • Categories (Need a page for each category)
  • Watchlist Page
  • Styling!
  • Deploy?


Can create a listing, and view listings. Listings have a wishlist button to add item to a wishlist. Need to add conditionals for toggling the wishlist item.


Comment form is functional on listing page. All comments are being displayed. Bid model has been created. Need to implement the bid form, and the weird conditions for ensuring the bid is higher than the current bid amount. Code needs to be refactored for sure, feels like its a touch out of control. Bids working now, but need error handling.


All functionality complete, watchlist page, categories and category page. Styling is the final piece of the puzzle.

Styling is done. It isn't great, but its functional.

IMG Sources: https://unsplash.com/photos/reEySFadyJQ https://unsplash.com/photos/_H0fjILH5Vw https://unsplash.com/photos/tG36rvCeqng https://unsplash.com/photos/FTfjMijq-Ws