
A remote controlled timer application using Sveltekit and Supabase.

Primary LanguageSvelte

Teacherbuilt Timer

A remote based classroom timer.

-Allows users to create timers, remotely control a display. -Building out with 'room codes' initially, before implmenting user accounts. -Tailwind CSS for responsive, simple clean design. -Building novel time displays, giving users multiple options. Bars, circles, etc.

Build Log


  • Auth set up. Using Google for the time being.
  • Auth state passing as prop through layout route.
  • Tailwind not making it to all pages?


  • Abandoning authentication right now for 'Room Codes'. Able to create and join rooms. Need to implment the time functionality.
  • Need to pass button press events down from JoinRoom to CreateRoom components.
  • Rename components to Remote and Display?
  • Really unsure of using Supabase for this. I need something realtime, easy to listen to event changes. Will likely rebuild into Firebase.
  • Maybe try to pass up an event dispatcher?


  • Experimenting with event forwarding. Process should look like this: Remote event > Home page > Display component function