WIP: I will update this demo occasionally for new functionality. This demo program is to use gdax python client to access one's own gdax account to get account balance and setup frequent short-term order.
# First to install gdax python client package
pip install gdax
- setup gdax API with certain permissions. here
- paste generarted API key, secret, and passphrase to the code.
- You are good to go.
Disclaimer: Please revise your code before placing any order. I am not responsible for any financial loss because of the usage of the code.
import gdax
import time
key = 'xxx'
b64secret = 'yyy'
passphrase = 'zzz'
auth_client = gdax.AuthenticatedClient(key, b64secret, passphrase)
def get_account_balance(client):
my_accounts = client.get_accounts()
usd = None
eth = None
btc = None
ltc = None
bch = None
for my_account in my_accounts:
if my_account['currency'] == 'USD':
usd = float(my_account['balance'])
elif my_account['currency'] == 'LTC':
ltc = float(my_account['balance'])
elif my_account['currency'] == 'BTC':
btc = float(my_account['balance'])
elif my_account['currency'] == 'ETH':
eth = float(my_account['balance'])
elif my_account['currency'] == 'BCH':
bch = float(my_account['balance'])
btc_price = float(client.get_product_ticker('BTC-USD')['price'])
ltc_price = float(client.get_product_ticker('LTC-USD')['price'])
eth_price = float(client.get_product_ticker('ETH-USD')['price'])
bch_price = float(client.get_product_ticker('BCH-USD')['price'])
account_summary = usd + btc_price * btc + ltc_price * ltc + eth_price * eth + bch_price * bch
print('my account balance is {0:.2f} usd'.format(account_summary))
return usd, eth, btc, ltc, bch
exchange_amount = 0.001
notify_margin = 0.01
profit_margin = notify_margin * 0.5
print('exchange_amount:{:.4f}, notify_margin:{:.4f}, profit_margin:{:.4f}'.format(exchange_amount,
notify_margin, profit_margin))
mid = (float(auth_client.get_product_24hr_stats('BTC-USD')['high'])
+ float(auth_client.get_product_24hr_stats('BTC-USD')['low'])) / 2.0
last = mid
print('last 24 hrs mid: {}'.format(last))
toggle = False
while True:
print('last btc price is {}'.format(last))
curr_btc_price = float(auth_client.get_product_ticker('BTC-USD')['price'])
print('current btc price is {}'.format(curr_btc_price))
curr_usd, _, curr_btc, _, _ = get_account_balance(auth_client)
if curr_btc_price > (last * (1 + notify_margin)) and not toggle:
if curr_btc > exchange_amount:
selling_price = curr_btc_price * (1 + profit_margin)
print('trying to sell {:.3f} btc @ {:.2f}'.format(exchange_amount, selling_price))
response = auth_client.sell(price='{:.2f}'.format(selling_price),
last = curr_btc_price
toggle = True
print('insufficient btc')
elif curr_btc_price < (last * (1 - notify_margin)) and toggle:
assert (1 - profit_margin) > 0
if curr_usd > (exchange_amount * curr_btc_price * (1 - profit_margin)):
buying_price = curr_btc_price * (1 - profit_margin)
print('trying to buy {:.3f} btc @ {:.2f}'.format(exchange_amount, buying_price))
response = auth_client.buy(price='{:.2f}'.format(buying_price),
last = curr_btc_price
toggle = False
print('insufficient usd')