Panda Authentication Task

A backend assingnment task


App Screenshot

App Screenshot

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd AutheticationTask

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server [Frontend]

  npm start

One new terminal to start backend sever

  cd AutheticationTask/Backend
  node server.js

Important (For .env file located in Backend folder)

USER='<YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS>' //Sender's Email Address
//Your Mongodb Connection URL

Watch this to get password

Tech Stack

Client: React

Server: Node, Express, Nodemailer, Bcrypt

API Endpoints

'/api/register' - To register a new user

  • This endpoint allows users to register by providing their email, password, and account type. '/api/signin' - Sign-in user
  • This endpoint verifies user credentials (email and password) and grants access upon successful authentication.

'/api/forgot-password' - Request password reset

  • Users can request a password reset by providing their email, triggering an email with a reset link.

'/api/reset-password' - Reset user password

  • This endpoint resets a user's password based on a provided token, typically accessed through a password reset link.

'/api/resend-link' - Resend password reset link

  • Users can request a resend of the password reset link by providing their email, triggering a new reset link.

'/api/user-info' - Retrieve user information

  • This endpoint retrieves basic user information, excluding sensitive data, for use in the application.