Often application developers will want more on chain storage than is provided by global state. Local state provides up to 16 key/values with a 128 byte limit per k/v.
In this demo, we use a smart signature in a way that allows us to extend our storage capability by creating a new account given a byte string as a key. Since the address of the resultant smart sig is predictable we can use it as another level of storage.
Project setup starts by installing the sandbox
git clone git@github.com:barnjamin/key-signature.git
cd key-signature
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run it:
python main.py
app.py: contains approval and clear source PyTeal
key_sig.py: contains smart sig PyTeal
main.py: contains python control logic to create the app and a set of key sigs
keysig.tmpl.teal: contains the template TEAL
keysig.json: contains the assembly map details (Created with a special branch )
requirements.txt: contains the specific versions of python packages needed