
Primary LanguagePython

RISC-0 Receipt Verifier

This is a python implementation of a verifier for the RISC-0 Receipt.

Much of this code was cribbed directly from the Rust RISC-0 repo, Thanks RISC-0 Team!

WARNING: This was written for a hackathon, it has not been audited for security.


(.venv) ben@Algo-Guidarelli:~/py-risc0$ python main.py -h
usage: Risc0 Verifier [-h] [--path PATH] [-name NAME]

Verifies a Risc0 execution receipt

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --path PATH, -p PATH  Path to the execution artifacts
  -name NAME, -n NAME   Name of the program

NOTE: I've only tried this on one trivial program, the source is included in the ./programs directory


  • document/add comments to explain what is happening
  • testing
  • standardize encoding/decoding, lots of to_elem or {encode|decode}_mont in weird spots
  • allow other EXT_SIZE options