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Work Sample Test

Work sample test by Accomplice

Introduction to the task

The task is to build a simple blog. The blog will have a wordpress-backend and a Vue (or React) app as a front-end.

Functional requirements

  • Wordpress administration to write posts (only text).
  • Wordpress rest api to allow public access to the posts in json.
  • Website that consumes the api and displays the posts ordered by date (latest first) according to the design in blog_design_spec.pdf.
  • Website should allow the user to order posts by date and alphabetically (by title).
  • blog_design_spec.pdf show a desktop screen design. However, the website should be responsive and look nice on mobile and tablet devices.
  • Website should look the same and function the same in the latest major mobile and desktop browsers.

Technical guidelines

  • Place the wordpress-installation in a subfolder /wp of your project.
  • Feel free to use Vue Cli or Create React App
  • A ftp-server and credentials to a mysql-database will be given. Upload the project to the root of the ftp-folder.
  • Clone this repo and add the front-end app (not the wordpress install) to the repo. Make a pull request to this repo when done.


We will evaluate the task both from a technical and aesthetic viewpoint.


Feel free to ask questions. Make an issue in this repo and ask!

Thank you!