
Neural Style Transfer project for Networks and Deep Learning class, UniPD, AY 2022/23

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Style Transfer

Project // Barone Francesco, Ninni Daniele, Zinesi Paolo

Inside this repo

  • gatys.py - This script is the final version of our implementation of Gatys et al (2016). It is meant to be executed by command-line only.

    • gatys.ipynb - Includes all the functionalities of the .py script, but embedded in a readable notebook to show the use of our custom library (deepstyle) which collects all the functions required by this NST algorithm.
    • gatys_nolib.ipynb - The notebook provides an overview of Gatys' algorithm without making use of our library (deepstyle).
  • huang_test.ipynb - The model presented in Huang et al (2017), implemented inside a notebook. This model makes use of the .pth files in models/.

    • huang_train.ipynb - This notebook is used to train the decoder network.


We recommend the use of PyTorch (>= 1.14.0). To install the required dependencies, please run

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to run Gatys NST

The Gatys model is provided with a .py script:

python3 gatys.py -output example.jpg -iterations 600 \
    -content-weight 1e1 \
    -style image/starry-night.jpg \
    -content image/bolzano.jpg \
    -color-control hist

Some options include:

  • output - the output style image to be written
  • style and content - the images to be used as style and content features, respectively
  • color-control - choose a color control option among none, luminance, hist, hist_from_style (default: none)
  • content-weight - set the content weight (float) (default: 1e0)
  • iterations - set the number of iterations to execute (default: 400)
  • image-size - set the short-edge image resolution to be generated (default: 512)
  • high-res - set any value greater than image-size to enable the upscaling to higher resolution (default: none)

How to run Huang NST

The Huang algorithm is presented as Jupyter notebooks: huang_test.ipynb and huang_train.ipynb. Look inside the notebooks for further instructions.


  • L. A. Gatys, A. S. Ecker, and M. Bethge, "Image style transfer using convolutional neural networks", in 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 2414–2423, 2016
  • L. A. Gatys, M. Bethge, A. Hertzmann, and E. Shechtman, "Preserving color in neural artistic style transfer", arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05897, 2016
  • X. Huang and S. Belongie, "Arbitrary style transfer in real-time with adaptive instance normalization", in ICCV, 2017

Neural Networks and Deep Learning
AY 2022/2023 - University of Padua