Meta Programming: Day 1 of Makers Academy's "Five Languages in Five Days"

We were set the challenge of writing a program that will create methods on the fly, but only if they follow the pattern of "has_octocat?". Using :method_missing and :define_method, we create a program that more or less writes itself.

alt text

### Languages and Tools

	- Ruby
	- RSpec

How to Open

Clone this repository.

	$ git clone

Change into the directory.

	$ cd meta_ruby

Run my tests.

	$ rspec

Fire it Up

	$ irb
	> require './lib/students'
	> vic =
	> vic.has_octocat?
	> vic.award :octocat
	> vic.has_octocat?

Hours and hours of fun!

### What I Learned Meta programming is weird. Machines will take over when they learn to write themselves.