Rock, Paper, Scissors: Week 3 Challenge at Makers Academy

The task: build a Rock, Paper, Scissors game web application. The game should follow the usual rules for RPS. Users should have a name and be able to play against a computer.

Languages and Tools

  - Ruby
  - Rspec
  - Cucumber
  - Capybara
  - Sinatra
  - HTML
  - ERB

To Open

Clone this repository.

  $ git clone

Change into the directory.

  $ cd rock-paper-scissors

Install the gems.

  $ bundle install

Run My Tests

  $ rspec
  $ cucumber

Fire It Up

  $ rackup

Type the following into your browser address bar:


Play Rock, Paper, Scissors!

What I Learned

I really struggled with this challenge. Not the logic of it, or even putting it on the web. Building the game in Ruby and getting it working in Sinatra were actually quite straightforward. I had trouble testing. Because I did not fully understand what I was doing with Cucumber, I was getting "ambiguous matches" for all my tests. As a result, I ended up abandoning my TDD. Eventually, I did figure out how to use Cucumber properly, and I have since fixed up the Cucumber tests for this challenge, as well as built the whole thing again from scratch here.