
Some works and assessments done within my MSc DSBA 2017-2018

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Some works and assessments done within my MSc DSBA 2017-2018

Course website: https://www.labri.fr/perso/vlepetit/deep_learning_mva.php

  • Assessment 1: simple image classification and regression in Keras

  • Assessment 2: on Natural Language Processing.

    • Monolingual word,
    • sentence em- beddings,
    • multilingual word embeddings
    • sentence classification with Bag-of-Vectors (BoV) and LSTMs
  • Assessment 3: deep reinforcement learning techniques on a simple game

Launchable via binder (WIP: To be fixed ...)

(it's just a try. Notebooks cannot be fully run because of some missing dependencies and files)

Binder : online Conda environment

Access this Binder at the following URL: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/barralf/deeplearning-dsba/master?urlpath=lab

Notes: Conda environment with environment.yml

This Binder-compatible repo works thanks to:

  • its Binder URL rooting from this repo
  • its environment.yml file

The environment.yml file lists all Python libraries on which the notebook depends, specified as though they were created using the following conda commands:

source activate example-environment
conda env export > environment.yml

Note that the only libraries available will be the ones specified in the environment.yml, so be sure the file includes everything needed! ;)