
A file monitoring and filesystem-to-database mirroring one-shot.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DBwatch - A file monitoring and filesystem-to-database mirroring one-shot.

$ ./dbwatch.py -h
dbwatch.py [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY ...]

Monitors files on one or more directories and updates their changes 
to a database.

Each directory mapping to a database table is configured in a manifest file.
(See example manifest files for the blocks and templates tables for Slash).


 -w --watch      Watch files in directories, update them to the db. (default:
 -t --test-only  Compare the data on the filesystem and the db
 -e --extract    Dump the data from the db to the filesystem
 -d --daemon     Run as a daemon (for permanent running) -- TODO
 -h --help       show help

- dbmap.py is a class for mapping a database column to a series of 
files in the filesystem.

- dbwatch.py is the main file for the module. It monitors the filesystem's 
directories, and updates the content of any modified file to the corresponding 
database row. 

The mapping between the filesystem and the database is done through "manifest"
files in the watched directories. See "examples" directory.

dbwatch is useful for anyone who needs to keep a given column in a  database 
table under source control. For example, the html for Slash's templates and 
blocks is stored in the database. With this tool I can edit the templates 
using a proper editor and have my edits be commited to the database instantly.

Halfway through writing this utility I found there's a "Slash template-tool"
that probably does 90% of what I need. However, this utility has other 
- It's generic. If you need to version a database table's column using some 
form of source control management, all you need is make a new directory, write
a manifest, and point slashwatch at it.
- It's automatic. Template-tool is more akin to dbmap. I would still have 
to have written dbwatch.
- It's in Python. I don't know Perl very well.

DBWatch is free software under the MIT/Expat license. See COPYING for details.