Valetudo aims to be a vendor-agnostic abstraction and cloud replacement for vacuum robots which started as a standalone binary on rooted roborock vacuums.
Since then, support for more vendors has been added and will also be added in the future.
The main goal of Valetudo is to disable all cloud connectivity and instead provide controls via a mobile-friendly webinterface as well as MQTT connectivity which also supports Home Assistant Autodiscovery.
For more information, check out the Valetudo Newcomer Guide Early 2021 Edition as well as the docs in general at
There, you will also find a list of supported robots.
- Valetudo Telegram group
- #valetudo on
- Lovelace Valetudo Map Card - Map card for Home Assistant
- I can't believe it's not Valetudo - A companion service for PNG Maps
- Valeronoi - A companion app for generating WiFi Heatmaps