
yellow paper for roll_up token

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

roll_up token: SNARK-based multi-ERC20 side chain

roll_up uses zk-SNARK proofs to batch transactions off-chain and update a tree of accounts on-chain, in a provably correct way. We rely on Ethereum for data availability guarantees, making sure that each SNARK proof reveals a list of leaves that were changed, and the amount that was transferred inside the EVM.

A list of accounts and balances are tracked off-chain using a Merkle tree. The owner of a balance can sign a transaction to transfer part or all of their balance to another account. These transactions are batched via SNARK to prove that the state transition was correct.

The Merkle tree is depth 24, which supports 2^24 accounts. Multiple token types are supported, but each account can only hold a single token type. Multiple tokens can be transferred and traded inside a single block.

Glossary of terms/variables:

  • roll_up: a method of aggregating multiple signatures and/or Merkle tree updates inside a SNARK.
  • coordinator: a party who aggregates many signatures into a single SNARK proof.
  • circuit: the code that defines what the SNARK allows.
  • block: Ethereum block
  • epoch: the number of roll_up batches committed to in the smart contract
  • batch: a collection of off-chain roll_up transactions
  • proof: a single SNARK proof of a state transition which proves a batch
  • account_tree: the Merkle tree that stores a mapping between accounts and balances
  • account_tree_depth (24): the number of layers in the account_tree

Account leaf format

Each account is represented by a single leaf in the account_tree. It is calculated by hashing the following components in the following order:

leaf = H(pubkey_x, pubkey_y, balance, nonce, token_type)


  • pubkey_x: public key X (253 bits)
  • pubkey_y: public key Y (253 bits)
  • balance: balance (128 bits)
  • nonce: nonce (32 bits)
  • token_type: token type (32 bits)

SNARK storage database

Deposit mechanism

Each deposit creates a leaf in the smart contract. The smart contract checks that the nonce, token_type and balance are correct. Anyone can aggregate these deposits into a deposit_tree with a deposit_root.

The coordinator can add these to the current balance tree by:

  1. Proving that an empty_node at the same depth as the deposit_tree is empty in the account_tree.
  2. Replacing this empty_node with the deposit_root
  3. Using the same Merkle proof to calculate the new account_root.

Withdraw mechanism

Leaves can be withdrawn on the smart contract as follows.

The transaction format is 8 bytes:

  • from: 3 bytes
  • to: 3 bytes
  • amount: 2 bytes

The to address of 0 is a reserved address without a private key. Any balance sent to leaf index 0 is understood to be a withdraw transation.

When the SNARK proof is submitted by the coordinator, if the destination is 0 the on-chain 'withdrawable balance' for the from leaf index is incremented by the amount transferred. (NB: the amount needs converting from floating point to Wei unsigned integer.)

On the smart contract, the from address must commit to an Ethereum withdraw_address. This allows any off-chain withdraw transaction made in roll_up by the from address to be transferred on-chain to the withdraw_address.

Because any token type can be sent to the zero address, transfers to the zero address should avoid the token type check. It is important that no transfers are able to leave the zero address, i.e. the circuit logic should not allow leaf 0 to be the from address of a transaction.


Smart contract

    function withdraw(uint epoch, uint i) {
        // make sure proof has been provided for given epoch
        require(batches[epoch].finalized == true);

        transaction = withdraw[epoch][i];

        // Ethereum address to transfer tokens to
        address = withdraw_address[transaction.from];

        // token_type to transfer
        token_type withdraw_token[withdraw_address[transaction.from]];

        // transfer withdrawn tokens
        address.send(token_type, to_256_bit_number(transaction.amount));
    function nominate_withdraw_address(nomination_proof, leaf_address, withdraw_address) {

        // cannot change previously committed withdraw_address
        require(withdraw_address[leaf_address] == 0);

        // set nominate_withdraw_address for leaf_address
        withdraw_address[leaf_address] = withdraw_address;    


        public address
        public withdraw_address
        public account_root
        public merkle_proof
        public sig

        leaf = leaves[address]

        verify_merkle_proof(leaf, account_root, merkle_proof)
        validate_signature(sig, withdraw_address, address)

Transfer mechanism

We have an account_tree with mapping of public key to nonce and balance of various token_types. We want to be able to transfer these tokens. The owner of a token creates a signature that signals their consent to update their balance. This signature contains the following fields:

  • from - Leaf index (account_tree_depth bit unsigned) of sending account
    • nonce - account_tree_depth bit Nonce, to prevent transaction replays
    • to - Leaf index (24 bit unsigned) of receiving account
    • amount - Balance to transfer (16 bit unsigned)
    • fee - The fee to pay the coordinator
  • sig - Dictionary containing signature
    • A - Public point of signer's key
    • R - Public point for EdDSA signature
    • s - Scalar for EdDSA signature (254bit in $\mathbb{F}_p$)

The SNARK then constrains the coordinator to processing these transactions in the following way:

  1. Prove that the leaf at the from index has a certain public key in the account_tree, using a from_merkle_proof
  2. Prove that that public key matches the signature of the transaction
  3. Reduce the balance of the from leaf
  4. Increment the nonce of the from leaf
  5. Using the same from_merkle_proof, insert this updated from leaf into the old account_tree while keeping every other leaf constant. The resulting Merkle root is called the intermediate_root
  6. Prove that the leaf at the to index is included in the account_tree with intermediate_root, using a to_merkle_proof
  7. Check that to.token_type == from.token_type
  8. Update the balance of the to leaf.
  9. Using the same to_merkle_proof, insert the updated to leaf into the account_tree with intermediate_root, calculating the final_root.

If any of these steps fail the whole proof fails.

This proof for a single transaction can be generalised to many transactions, as long as the appropriate intermediate_roots are pre-computed and provided as input to the circuit.

Transaction Fees

We need to pay fees so the coordinator is incentivized to process batches of transactions. It is important that users can pay for fees in different tokens. This allows us to process transactions in each batch. As we have a larger pool we can include we can make batches faster.

So we force the coordinator to commit to the fees in the EVM and then validate this is correct in the SNARK. We use an all pay fee model where the coordinator commits to a fee and any fee transaction that specifies a fee more than or equal to this amount can be included and pays the fee that the coordinator commited to.

Data availability


This approach is based upon the scheme described here.

Each transaction record is 8 bytes, and consists of:

  1. from index (3 bytes)
  2. to index (3 bytes)
  3. amount (2 bytes)

The from and to offsets specify the leaves within the tree, the size required for the offset depends on the depth of the tree. TreeCapacity $= 2^\texttt{tree_depth}$, offset size in bits is $log_2(\texttt{tree_depth})$.


The data provided above is not enough to ensure that all data is available. As the amount recived at the to leaf is actually amount - fee[token]. Therefore we also need the coordinator to commit on-chain to fees for 16 different token types.

  1. token_type 32 bits
  2. fee 2 bytes
  3. number_transaction_of_this_type 12 bits

For each batch, the records are concatenated together and then hashed to produce a single digest. This digest is passed as a public input to the SNARK circuit to ensure that the on-chain and in-circuit data match.

Then the circuit processes these transactions and ensures that:

  1. Each token type is in the token schedule or has zero fee.
  2. The no_tx_of_this_type == no_tx_processed

After a proof has been finalized the coordinator can include withdraw fee * number_transaction_of_this_type of each token type they have included.

Dependent Payments

We want to allow for dependent payments. This allows us to do atomic swaps at almost no cost in terms of constraints.

The user can signal that their transaction is dependent upon a previous one by signaling via signature. These fields in the signature format are "dependent_payments": [[to,from,amount], [to,from,amount]], where to, from, amount define the transaction that this one depends upon.

Then the SNARK confirms that each transaction has its dependencies included.

SNARK pseudocode

// look back , checks if this tx depends upon the previous tx
if (signature[i].dependent_payment[0] != 0) {
    require(signature[i].dependent_payment[0].to == signature[i-1].to);
    require(signature[i].dependent_payment[0].from == signature[i-1].from);
    require(signature[i].dependent_payment[0].amount == signature[i-1].amount);
// look forward, checks if this tx depends upon the next tx
if (signature[i].dependent_payment[1] != 0) {
    require(signature  require(signature[i].dependent_payment[1].to == signature[1+1].to);
    require(signature[i].dependent_payment[1].from == signature[i+1].from);
    require(signature[i].dependent_payment[1].amount == signature[i+1].amount);s[i] == signature[i+1]);

New token addition

Each token needs to be added before it can be transferred. The EVM maintains a list of 2^32 tokens. The deposits, transfers, and withdraws reference a token index in this list. Anyone can add a new token by calling the add_token function on the smart contract.

To prevent squatting attacks, users need to burn 0.1 ether in order to add a new token.

Pseudo code

Smart contract

// Add a new token
function add_token() {


Coordinator selection mechanism

Coordinators are staked.

  1. Their probability of being selected to prove a batch of transactions is proportional to their stake.
  2. We use the hash of the block hash as our randomness beacon. This can be biased but at some cost to the miners. Since we don't really need to worry about attacks because a malicious miner can process transactions and probably get much less reward than the block reward.
  3. As soon as this is committed, a new coordinator is selected who has 5 blocks to commit to a batch of transactions.
  4. If they do not commit in this time a new coordinator is selected. This is repeated until a new batch is committed to.
  5. We only ever have proof_time/blocktime batches in progress.

If an coordinator fails to produce a proof for a batch of transactions they have committed to in proof_time they are slashed, all future commitments are cancelled, and we begin again with a new coordinator.

contract coordinator_orderer {
    uint epoch = 0;
    uint min_deposit = 64 ether;
    uint no_coordinators = 0;
    uint max_parallel_proofs = (proof_time/15) + (proof_time/15)*0.5;
    uint count_parallel_proofs = 0;

    function deposit() payable {
        require(msg.value >= min_deposit);

    function request_withdraw() {
        require(coordinators.indexOf(msg.sender) != -1);
        //move coordinator to end of list
        //reduce the number of coordinators by 1
        //set time limit for 1 day in the future
        //to make sure they are not about to get slashed

    function confirm_withdraw() {
        // check they have waited 10 days 
        // since requesting withdraw
    function commit_to_transactions(transactions, transaction_list) {
        require(msg.sender == coordinator_orderer);
        hash = "0x0"; 
        epoch += 1;
        for (transaction in transactions) {
            // we can pack here more efficiently
            hash = sha256(hash, transaction.to, transaction.from, transaction.amount);
            if (transaction.to == 0) { 
                withdraws[epoch].append((transaction.from, transaction.amount));

    function commit_to_deposit() { 

    function commit_to_batch(transactions, transaction_list) {


    function prove_batch () { 
        //finalize withdraws()
        roll_up.prove_transition(i, batch);

    function revert_commit() {


    //slash an coordinator for failing to create a proof
    function slash() {


Coordinator selection in parallel

This spreadsheet shows how batches of transactions are aggregated and processed in parallel.

Parallel proving


  1. Collect transactions
  2. Pick and process a batch of transactions
  3. Submit commitment to batch of transactions to smart contract
  4. Generate SNARK proof
  5. Submit proof to smart contract

Once a batch of transactions has been picked, and the commitment submitted to the smart contract, then the next epoch begins while the previous is being proven.

As soon as someone commits to a batch we open a new auction. But we limit the number of open auctions/unproven commitments at proving_time/blocktime so that we can be making proofs to fill every block but not more than that.

After the coordinator has committed they have proving_time to provide the proof. If they fail to provide the proof in this time they are slashed.

We revert all commitments after this time and start the auction again.

Committing a batch

event BatchCommitted(
    uint256 batchNumber

function commitBatch(
    bytes32 new_account_root,
    bytes transactions

When an coordinator commits a batch, it will provide a list of transactions along with new_account_root. Based on the current on-chain account_root, all full clients can verify that the transactions are valid state transitions from the current account_root to new_account_root. H(transactions) is stored in the contract so that the digest can be compared to the transactions included by the coordinator when proving the batch later, i.e. the coordinator must use the same transactions when committing and proving a given batch.

The coordinator will also provide a deposit.

Proving a batch

event BatchProved(
    uint256 epoch

function proveBatch(
    uint256 epoch,
    bytes proof,
    bytes transactions

When a coordinator proves a batch, it will reference the previously committed batch by epoch number to first check that the digest produced by H(transactions) matches the digest stored for the committed batch, and will then retrieve the necessary on-chain data (i.e. account_root) to be used for SNARK verification along with proof and the sequentially hashed output created for transactions (so that we can check that the transactions provided on-chain match the transactions used in the circuit).

Transaction Format

SNARK Transactions

EdDSA signatures are used by users to send transactions. The coordinator uses these transactions to make a SNARK proof.

These are provided to the coordinator in the off-chain transaction. The transaction is represented as a JSON document:

   "tx": {
      "from": index,
      "nonce": nnn,
      "to": public_key_x,
      "amount": nnn,
      "fee": nnn, 
      "dependent_payments": [[to, from, amount], [to, from, amount]]
      "hash_to_from_amount": nnn
   "sig": {
       "A": [pubkey.x, pubkey.y],
       "R": [R.x, R.y],
       "s": nnn

To verify the transaction:

m = H(tx.from, tx.to, tx.amount, tx.fee)

assert True == eddsa_verify(m, sig.A, sig.R, sig.s)

Floating point format

This is the way it's encoded a 3 and a half decimal digits in a 16 bits floating point. Lets name those bits from MSB to LSB

e4 e3 e2 e1 e0 m9 m8 m7 m6 m5 m4 m3 m2 m1 m0 d

exp := e0 + e1*2 + e2*2^2 + e3*2^3 + e4*2^4

m := m0 + m1*2 + m2*2^2 + m3*2^3 + m4*2^4 + m5*2^5 + m6*2^6 + m7*2^7 + m8*2^8 + m9*2^9

V := m*10^exp + d* ( (10^exp) >> 1 )

This format allows to use decimal numbers where the 3 most significant digits can be any digit [0..9] The fourth can be 0 or 5 and an exponent from 1 to 10^31

Example 1: 123000000

m = 123 => 0x7b => 0b00 0111 1011

d = 0 (The fourth digit is a 0)

exp = 6 => 0b00110

So the floating point format would be 0b0011000011110110 = 0x30F6

Example 2: 454500

m = 454 => 0x1c6 => 0b0111000110

d = 1 (The fourth digit is a 5)

exp = 3 => 0x3 => 0b00011

So the floating point format is 0b0001101110001101 = 0x1B8D