Instructions for building and running Flex demo projects

These demos make use of Box2DAS for physically based behavior.

1) Install TortoiseSVN client from 
   This will allow you to check out the source using subversion.
2) Get the source code
    Create a directory somewhere where you want the flex projects to live.
    right click on that directory and select "SVN checkout"
	Enter this as the URL of the repository:
	Keep everything else as default and click ok.
	Here it should prompt you for authentication. Enter your projectLocker credentials.
3) Install FlashBuilder or FlashDevelop
   Either will work, but I found FlashBuilder to work better
      - Start the IDE, then select create new project
	  - Give the porject a name like "demos"
	  - Uncheck "use default location" and specify the path to <home>/flex_projects. 
	  - Click next, and next again in the wizard
	  - on the third step of the wizard, select the source tab, and change the Main application file to 
	     Games.mxml or one of the other available mxml files.
      - Click finish. 
	  - Right click on the "demos" (or whatever you named it) project and select "properties"
	     - on the "Library path" tab, click "add SWC".
	       Navigate to "flex_projects\Box2DLib\bin" and add the Box2DLib.swc
         - Select "Flex Compiler" in the properties for your project and check the Flex 3 compatability mode
	       (this is because we want to use the latest 4.6 compiler, but the code is still using Flex 3)
      - Right click on Games.mxml (or whichever you set as the Main app) and run.
   FlashDevelop -
      - To build the SWC library you will need to get the ExportSWC plugin 
      - Need to have a java 1.6 jre installed and configure jvm.config to use it. 
	  - May need to Download msvcr71.dll and place in Windows/System32
	  - Run FlashDevelop and open flex_projects/flex_projects.as3proj
      - Press F5 (Project | Test Project) to build and run the Games.mxml
	  - to select a different mxml to build/run right click on the mxml and select "set as document class"