
The API for the Butchers Market.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Butcher's Market API

API source code for The Butcher's Market website (http://thebutchersmarket.com).


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd butchers-market-api
  • npm install

Configure Environment Variables

  • Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env (this file is private)

Create Database

  • npm run db:create
  • npm run db:migrate
  • npm run db:seed

Running / Development

  • npm start
  • npm run start:dev will auto restart when files change
  • npm run start:debug will run in debugger mode
    • In Chrome, navigate to chrome://inspect
    • Click on the "Inspect" link to launch the debugger window


Deployed using Render!

Sequelize Scripts

List of common scripts you'll use with Sequelize.

Create Model

Creating a new model will create a new database table and a corresponding model. In the example below, we are creating a Special model with a single attribute of title.

sequelize-esm model:generate --name Special --attributes title:string

Create Migration

Creating a new migration will create the database scripts needed to change the underlying database table.

sequelize-esm migration:generate --name special-link

Create Seed

Once you create a new table, you'll probably want to add some seed data to it. In the example below, we are creating a seed for the Special model.

sequelize-esm seed:generate --name special