
Quick Flask Demo

Primary LanguagePython


Quick Flask API Demo implementing a checkout endpoint. See tests/api_test.sh for example usage.

Running the Application

Install Python 3.7 or newer from https://www.python.org/downloads/

Install Flask as described at https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/installation/

The application can be run locally under the Flask development server by running python -m flask run when in the watch-shop directory

Running Tests

Most tests are implemented in Python's UnitTest framework and are in test_<module-name>.py files within the same directory as the modules they test. Run these from the top level directory with python -m unittest discover -v

The API proper can be exercised by starting the application and then running tests/api_test.sh

Design Notes

The application is structured into main 3 units, forming a dependency stack.

Design Unit Implementation Location Description
API Routing ./app.py Only module that interacts with the Flask Framework, provides marshalling of Request and Response data for the rest of the application.
Business Logic ./business_logic/ Logic for calculating the checkout result. Only module that understands how to interpret watch data.
Data Layer ./data_layer/ Abstraction of the data store used to provide watch data. In this implementation the data store is a CSV file

Each unit provides an interface to the one above implemented using built in datatypes. Each module can only communicate with the layer above or below it in, simplifying dependencies. Modules should not make any assumptions about the implementations of others.

The call flow through the modules for a checkout request is as follows.

Client->>+API Routing: JSON Request with list of Watch IDs
API Routing->>+Buisness Logic: Calculate Total Price
loop For Each Unique Watch ID
    Buisness Logic->>+Data Access: Fetch Data for Watch ID
    Data Access-->>-Buisness Logic: Watch Data   
Buisness Logic-->>-API Routing: Total Price
API Routing-->>-Client: JSON Reponse with Total Price


Next steps for further development.

  • API level testing
  • Add logging to the application to support debug
  • Add token based authentication to the API
  • Enable https for encryption