
A Hacker News reader built with React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fixpoint is a React.js-based Hacker News reader.


  • Fully single-page
  • Implements front page and story comments page functionality
  • Updates in real-time
  • Front page is searchable/filterable
  • Fast as heck, thanks to React's virtual DOM diffing engine

Technical Details

  • In addition to React, uses the react-mini-router and Moment.js libraries
  • Uses HN's Firebase API as its backend, allowing the app to be hosted on Github Pages
  • Real-time updates were easy to implement thanks to Firebase's architecture and the ReactFire hooks for React


  • User pages
  • Front page pagination
  • Correct comment counts (currently only shows top-level comment count, since I didn't feel like writing an async recursive algorithm to traverse the comment tree)