
Java SQS Listener library built to be customisable and dynamic during runtime

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Java Dynamic SQS Listener

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The Java Dynamic SQS Listener is a library that simplifies the listening of messages on an AWS SQS queue. It has been built from the ground up with the goal of making it easily customisable, allowing each component of the library to be easily interchanged if desired, as well as allowing dynamic changes to configuration during runtime, for example the amount of messages being processed concurrently can be changed via a feature flag or other configuration properties.

To keep the README minimal and easy to digest, the rest of the documentation is kept in the doc folder which provides a more thorough overview of how to use the library.

Core Infrastructure

This library has been divided into four main components each with distinct responsibilities. The following is a diagram describing a simple flow of a single SQS message flowing through each of the components to eventually be executed by some code.

Core Framework Architecture Diagram

Details about each component is:

  • The MessageRetriever handles obtaining messages from the SQS queue. This can optimise the retrieval of messages by batching requests for messages or prefetching messages before they are needed.
  • The MessageProcessor controls the processing of a message from the queue by delegating it to the corresponding Java method that handles the message.
  • The ArgumentResolverService is used by the MessageProcessor to populate the arguments of the method being executed from the message. For example, a parameter with the @Payload annotation will be resolved with the body of the message cast to that type (e.g. a POJO).
  • The MessageBroker is the main container that controls the whole flow of messages from the MessageRetriever to the MessageProcessor. It can determine when more messages are to be processed and the rate of concurrency for processing messages.
  • The MessageResolver is used when the message has been successfully processed and it is needed to be removed from the SQS queue so it isn't processed again.

See the Core Implementations Overview for more information about the core implementations provided by this library.


The framework relies on the following dependencies and therefore it is recommended to upgrade the applications dependencies to a point somewhere near these for compatibility.

Spring Quick Guide

The following provides some examples using the Spring Starter for this library. Note that this library is not Spring specific as the main implementations are kept in the core module which is framework agnostic.

Using the Spring Starter

This guide will give a quick guide to getting started for Spring Boot using the Spring Stater.

Include the maven dependency in your Spring Boot pom.xml:


In one of your beans, attach a @QueueListener annotation to a method indicating that it should process messages from a queue.

public class MyMessageListener {
    @QueueListener("${insert.queue.url.here}") // The queue here can point to your SQS server, e.g. a local SQS server or one on AWS 
    public void processMessage(@Payload final String payload) {
        // process the message payload here

This will use any user configured SqsAsyncClient in the application context for connecting to the queue, otherwise if none is defined, a default is provided that will look for AWS credentials/region from multiple areas, like the environment variables. See How to connect to AWS SQS Queues for information about connecting to an actual queue in SQS.

How to Mark the message as successfully processed

When the method executing the message finishes without throwing an exception, the MessageProcessor will acknowledge the message as a success, therefore removing it from the queue. If any exception is thrown, the message will not be acknowledged and if there is a redrive policy the message may be placed back onto the queue for another attempt.

Note that if the method contains an Acknowledge argument it is now up to the method to manually acknowledge the message as a success as the MessageProcessor will not acknowledge the message automatically when the method executes without throwing an exception.

Setting up a queue listener that batches requests for messages

The Spring Cloud AWS Messaging @SqsListener works by requesting a set of messages from the SQS and when they are done it will request some more. There is one disadvantage with this approach in that if 9/10 of the messages finish in 10 milliseconds but one takes 10 seconds no other messages will be picked up until that last message is complete. The @QueueListener provides the same basic functionality but it also provides a timeout where eventually it will request for more messages even for the threads that are ready for another message. It will also batch the removal of messages from the queue and therefore with a concurrency level of 10, if there are a lot messages on the queue, only 2 requests would be made to SQS for retrieval and deletion of messages. The usage is something like this:

public class MyMessageListener {
    @QueueListener(value = "${insert.queue.url.here}", concurrencyLevel = 10, maxPeriodBetweenBatchesInMs = 2000) 
    public void processMessage(@Payload final String payload) {
        // process the message payload here

In this example above we have set it to process 10 messages at once and when there are threads wanting more messages it will wait for a maximum of 2 seconds before requesting messages for threads waiting for another message.

Setting up a queue listener that prefetches messages

When the amount of messages for a service is extremely high, prefetching messages may be a way to optimise the throughput of the application. The @PrefetchingQueueListener annotation can be used to pretech messages in a background thread while messages are currently being processed. The usage is something like this:

public class MyMessageListener {
    @PrefetchingQueueListener(value = "${insert.queue.url.here}", concurrencyLevel = 10, desiredMinPrefetchedMessages = 5, maxPrefetchedMessages = 10) 
    public void processMessage(@Payload final String payload) {
        // process the message payload here

In this example, if the amount of prefetched messages is below the desired amount of prefetched messages it will try and get as many messages as possible maximum.

Note: because of the limit of the number of messages that can be obtained from SQS at once (10), having the maxPrefetchedMessages more than 10 above the desiredMinPrefetchedMessages will not provide much value as once it has prefetched more than the desired prefeteched messages it will not prefetch anymore.

Adding a custom argument resolver

There are some core ArgumentResolvers provided in the application but if they don't provide the ease required for the application you can define your own. As an example, the following is how we can resolve an argument for the method where the payload of the message has been converted to uppercase.

  1. We will use an annotation on the field to indicate how the message should be resolved.
    @Retention(value = RUNTIME)
    public @interface UppercasePayload {
  2. Implement the ArgumentResolver interface where it will do the logic for converting the message payload to uppercase.
        public class UppercasePayloadArgumentResolver implements ArgumentResolver<String> {        
            public boolean canResolveParameter(MethodParameter methodParameter) {
                return methodParameter.getParameter().getType().isAssignableFrom(String.class)
                    && AnnotationUtils.findParameterAnnotation(methodParameter, UppercasePayload.class).isPresent();
           public String resolveArgumentForParameter(QueueProperties queueProperties, Parameter parameter, Message message) throws ArgumentResolutionException {
               return message.body().toUppercase();
    You may be curious why a custom AnnotationUtils.findParameterAnnotation function is used instead of getting the annotation directly from the parameter. The reason for this is due to potential proxying of beans in the application, such as by applying Aspects around your code via CGLIB. As libraries, like CGLIB, won't copy the annotations to the proxied classes the resolver needs to look through the class hierarchy to find the original class to get the annotations. For more information about this, take a look at the JavaDoc provided in AnnotationUtils. You can also see an example of this problem being tested in PayloadArgumentResolver_ProxyClassTest.java.
  3. Include the custom ArgumentResolver in the application context for automatic injection into the ArgumentResolverService.
    public class MyCustomConfiguration {
       public UppercasePayloadArgumentResolver uppercasePayloadArgumentResolver() {
           return new UppercasePayloadArgumentResolver(); 
  4. Use the new annotation in your message listener
    @QueueListener("${insert.queue.url.here}") // The queue here can point to your SQS server, e.g. a local SQS server or one on AWS 
    public void processMessage(@UppercasePayload final String uppercasePayload) {
        // process the message payload here

For a more extensive guide for doing this, take a look at Spring - How to add a custom Argument Resolver.

Building a custom queue listener annotation

The core Queue Listener annotations may not provide the exact use case necessary for the application and they also do not provide any dynamic functionality and therefore it would be useful to provide your own annotation. See Spring - How to add a custom queue wrapper for a guide to doing this.

Testing locally an example Spring Boot app with the Spring Starter

The easiest way to see the framework working is to run one of the examples locally. These all use an in memory ElasticMQ SQS Server so you don't need to do any setting up of queues on AWS to test this yourself. For example to run a sample Spring Application you can use the Spring Starter Example.

  1. Build the framework
mvn clean install -DskipTests
  1. Run the Spring Starer Example Spring Boot app
(cd examples/spring-starter-examples && mvn spring-boot:run)

Testing locally a dynamic concurrency example

This shows an example of running the SQS Listener in a Java application that will dynamically change the concurrency level while it is executing.

This examples works by having a thread constantly placing new messages while the SQS Listener will randomly change the rate of concurrency every 10 seconds.

  1. Build the framework
mvn clean install -DskipTests
  1. Run the Spring Starer Example Spring Boot app
(cd examples/core-examples && mvn exec:java)

Connecting to multiple AWS Accounts using the Spring Starter

If the Spring Boot application needs to connect to SQS queues across multiple AWS Accounts, you will need to provide a SqsAsyncClientProvider which will be able to obtain a specific SqsAsyncClient based on an identifier. For more information on how to do this, take a look at the documentation at How To Connect to Multiple AWS Accounts

Comparing Libraries

If you want to see the difference between this library and others like the Spring Cloud AWS Messaging and Amazon SQS Java Messaging Library, take a look at the sqs-listener-library-comparison module. This allows you to test the performance and usage of each library for different scenarios, such as heavy IO message processing, etc.

Other examples

See examples for all of the other available examples.

Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use Github Issues.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 JaidenAshmore

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.