
Showcase iOS app using PokeAPI

Primary LanguageSwift


PokeBowl helps you to expand you knowledge of Pokemon.

Inspired by the game in early pokemon episodes, it lets you guess pokemons from their silhouette!

demo play

Architecture and implementation details

  • The source code follows the MVVM pattern to ensure a degree of testability
  • Layouts are done in SwiftUI
  • Dependencies shared between ViewModels go through a central object (ViewModelProvider) which is passed to any View in the hierarchy using SwiftUI's @Environment
  • 'Provider' layers are added to increase ViewModel testablity (they can easily be replaced by mocks)

Next steps would be

  • Proper error handling
  • Caching


During development I've found at least 1 pokemon that is listed in PokeAPI's Generations that has an actual UR which returns a 404. In this case, the pokedex might keep on loading due to lack of error handling!