PMLDL Course, Assignment 1, Text Detoxification

Batalov Artem,, BS20-AI-01

Text Detoxification Task is a process of transforming the text with toxic style into the text with the same meaning but with neutral style. In this assignment, we are given a dataset of pairs of toxic and non-toxic texts. The task is to create a model that would transform toxic text into non-toxic one.
Full task description


Full report

TL;DR: I used few-shot Mistral model and fine-tuned T5 model on given dataset. Fine-tuned T5 model showed better results (0.45 score, see Evaluation section in the report) than Mistral model (0.2 score).

How to use

  1. Clone this repository
    git clone
    cd text-detoxification
  2. Install requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download and process the data
    python src/data/
    python src/data/
  4. Train the model
    python src/models/
  5. Make predictions
    python src/models/