A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model.
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Broken link in README.rst
#83 opened by bashu - 3
Set request.user as creator in django-admin.
#77 opened by danihodovic - 0
Instead of renaming attachments with same name, store them in subdirectories
#107 opened by lmoellendorf - 0
How do I allow Anon users to add attachments?
#106 opened by sureshvv - 6
How do I make a new release ?
#78 opened by atodorov - 3
NoReverseMatch exception using with models that have columns of type uuid4 as primary key
#94 opened by blasferna - 1
Pipfile vs tox.ini
#98 opened by atodorov - 1
Error on click to attachment download link
#95 opened by Maudal78 - 9
#49 opened by atodorov - 0
- 0
FileField 'max_length' is set to default in the attachment. Can we increase this possibly?
#89 opened by kcdeberry - 1
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ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '24890e2e-3515-4303-ab8c-344737c1d63f'
#61 opened by bashu - 2
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Attaching files to a new entry
#57 opened by mattburlage - 0
Attaching items to new instance
#56 opened - 3
- 1
Change language
#52 opened by CubexX - 1
Attach additional custom metadata
#50 opened by alex-kowalczyk - 3
overriding __str__ does not work on python 3.6
#45 opened by jangeador - 0
New migration created by Django 2
#39 opened by atodorov - 3
Use in multitenant applications
#37 opened by amitjindal - 2
Unit test error: jango.template.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: 'attachment_form' did not receive value(s) for the argument(s): 'name', 'id', 'next_url'
#36 opened by Alireza2n - 2
Current User in the path of the attachment file
#34 opened by foxmask - 8
Only allow certain types to be attached
#3 opened by panosl - 2
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ImportError: No module named defaults
#24 opened by erichschroeter - 1
Make a release
#11 opened by bartTC - 1
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An update for Django 1.7?
#19 opened by adi- - 1
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Italian translation
#8 opened by silvergeko - 2
Attachments for new entry (info)
#9 opened by intranets-talk - 2
Include "Upload from console" in docs
#4 opened by darkpixel - 1
Integrate with django-storages.
#5 opened by pkimber - 1
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greek locale
#6 opened by panosl - 3
Danish locale file
#1 opened by illio - 1