
Django template tag to load static files inline with your template.

Primary LanguagePython

📖 Full documentation: https://barttc.github.io/django-staticinline/
🐱 GitHub Repository: https://github.com/bartTC/django-staticinline


Works similar to Django's static template tag, but this one includes the file directly in the template, rather than a link to it.

You can additionally post-process the file content using custom 'encoder'.

Compatibility Matrix:

Py/Dj 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12
3.2 (LTS)
4.2 (LTS)


  1. Put the StaticInlineAppConfig along your apps.

        # ...
  2. Load the template tag and pass a filename as you'd do with a static template tag. You can also post-process the file content. In the example below we encode the content of the mykey.pem file with base64. Several encoders are already built-in, see the Encoder docs.

    {% load staticinline %}
    <style>{% staticinline "myfile.css" %}</style>
    My base64 encoded Key: {% staticinline "mykey.pem" encode="base64" cache=True %}
  3. Enjoy the result:

    <style>body{ color: red; }</style>
    My base64 encoded Key: LS0tIFN1cGVyIFByaXZhdGUgS2V5IC0tLQo=