This project aims to introduce a reliable Fog-enhanced Blockchain simulation environment, namely FoBSim.
This environment shall facilitate easy simulation for different Fog-Blockchain integration scenarios.
FoBSim is implemented using Python 3.8.
*The components implemented in FoBSim contains:
1- Fog layer implementation.
2- Blockchain network Implementation.
3- End-User layer implemetation.
4- Consensus algorithms.
5- Incentivization Mechanisms.
6- Parallel Mining.
7- Gossip Protocol.
8- Easy network topology and unique identities management.
*FoBSim allows the placement of the Blockchain network in either:
1- The Fog layer.
2- The End-User layer.
*The Blockchain in FoBSim provides the following services/immutable distributed ledgers:
1- Payment/Trading
2- Data management
3- Identity management
4- Computational Services through Smart Contracts
*The Blockchain in FoBSim allows the use of one of the following Consensus algorithms during each run:
1- Proof-of-Work (PoW)
2- Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
3- Proof-of-Authority (PoA)