
Package to generate a 10-color palette based on a given color hex. Useful to generate Tailwind CSS palettes.

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Package to generate a 10-color palette based on a given color hex. Useful to generate Tailwind CSS palettes.


npm install --save palettey


import { createPaletteFromColor } from "palettey";

// Generate a luminance palette
createPaletteFromColor("primary", "#7953e0", {
  useLightness: false,
// Generate a lightness palette
createPaletteFromColor("primary", "#7953e0", {})

To create css variables for the generated palette you can use:

const palette = createPaletteFromColor("primary", "D20000", {});
Object.entries(palette.test).forEach((entry) => {
  const [step, color] = entry;

Check out Palette Generator to try the generator online.


Based on tailwind-css-palette-generator created by Simeon Griggs Contribution by George Ciesinski