
Public location of delivered Artificial Intelligence & Machine Intelligence Presentations

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Presentations

Public location of maintained, delivered & archived Artificial Intelligence Presentations

Actively Maintained Presentations (Periodicially updated, check version history details)

Scaling Generative AI Applications
Description: Understand the key imperatives to scale Generative AI applications across: Accuracy, Latency & Cost optimizations.

Optimizing Gen AI Strategy Opportunity and Risk
Optimizing Gen AI Strategy Opportunity and Risk.pptx
Description: Is Gen AI the next internet, cell phone or cloud revolution? Understand both the opportunity and risk of global digital transformation for your industry.

Machine Intelligence - Decision Analysis
Description: Applying Machine Intelligence to Decision Theory. Includes demos of AI assisted Decision Support Systems and Decision Management Systems

Static Presentations (Content locked down as of delivery date)

Gobal Data Symposium - 10/09/2024
What is New With Azure AI & Future Roadmap.pptx
Description: Overview of what is new with Azure AI and Public Future Roadmap (How to find the latest)

AI Legal Day (Chicago) - Microsoft Generative AI Optimizing Opportunity for Legal - 12/06/2023
Microsoft Generative AI Optimizing Opportunity for Legal.pptx
Description: How can law firms optimize the opportunity of Generative AI

NIC 2022 Conference - How-To Make effective Decisions using Machine Intelligence - 06/01/2022
NIC 2022 - How-To Make effective Decisions using Machine Intelligence.pptx
Description: Understand how-to make more measurably better decisions with Machine Intelligence

Microsoft Development Community Call - Adding Machine Intelligence to Blazor Apps - 11/19/2020
Description: Use .NET 5 and Blazor WebAssembly to deliver Machine Intelligence (Statistics, ML, Analytics) inside a Blazor applications

.NET Community Standup - .NET 5 Blazor WASM & ML.NET - 09/23/2020
Description: Use .NET 5 and Blazor WebAssembly to deliver Machine Intelligence with ML.NET

Virtual ML.NET Conference - Virtual - 05/30/2020
Description: Applying Machine Intelligence to Decision Theory using ML.NET Decision Analysis and the Blazor Application Framework

P20 OCP Conference - Chicago - 09/15/2019
Description: Applying Machine Intelligence to Decision Theory. Includes demos of AI assisted Decision Support Systems and Decision Management Systems

Angelbeat Conference - Philadelphia - 08/13/2019
Description: Presentation from the Angelbeat Philadelphia Conference. Overview of AI for all types of personas.

Tibco Artificial Intelligence Conference - Chicago - 06/12/2019
Description: Presentation from the Tibco Artificial Intelligence Conference. How does Microsoft think about AI for all different personas.

Microsoft Financial Services Summit | AI Executive Technical Briefing - New York - 05/13/2019
Description: Presentation from the FSI Summit covering Artificial Intelligence for financial services partner executives.

Azure Cognitive Services Strategy - 02/28/2019
Description: Presentation on the Azure Cognitive Services strategy and differentation between competitors including GDPR and Docker containers (AI on the edge).

MSUS Partner Community Presentation - 02/21/2019
Description: Presentation on ML.NET (Machine Learning .NET) an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework. Includes links to GitHub demos and ML.NET resources.

Microsoft AI Platform Update - 12/18/2018
Description: Presentation on the latest Microsoft AI Platform (high level presentation).

Philadelphia AI Conference - 09/20/2018
Description: Presentation from the Philadelphia AI Conference covering examples around using baseball data.

Why R? 2018 Conference Wroclaw, Poland - 07/05/2018
Description: Presentation from the WhyR? Conference covering R language scenarios on the Microsoft AI platform.

Other/Old Presentations

Microsoft AI Platform Update
Description: Presentation on the latest Microsoft AI Platform features (high level presentation).

DevOps for AI
DevOPs for AI.pptx
Description: CI/CD for Models for application developers + data scientists.