
Blazor WASM (WebAssembly) with .NET 7 implementation, that showcases howto perform statistical analysis locally inside the browser

Primary LanguageHTML

Test-Blazor-WebAssembly-StatisticsAndML-DotNet7 is a test Blazor WASM (WebAssembly) with .NET Core 3.x, .NET 6 & .NET 7 implemintations, that showcases howto perform statistical analysis locally inside the browser.

Live Demo Web Site (Static Website Host - Azure Static Websites - .NET Core 3.x): https://statisticsblazordotnet3.azureedge.net/
Live Demo Web Site (Static Website Host - Azure Static Websites - .NET 6): https://statisticsblazordotnet6.azureedge.net/
Live Demo Web Site (Static Website Host - Azure Static Websites - .NET 7): https://statisticsblazordotnet7.azureedge.net/

Technologies Used: Blazor WASM (WebAssembly), C#, Math.NET NuGet Package for statistics, D3.js for visualizations

Note: Both sites work on mobile devices with enough RAM. Early 2018 phone models should work. For example, iPhone 8 Plus will give a stack memory error iPhone X, 11 and 12 will work fine.
