
Some aws related scripts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This package provides tools for AWS platform, such as:

  • switching between multiple accounts
  • renewing API access keys

and others.

The main reason why aws-tools came to be, was using awscli with different access keys in the secure and easy way.

How it works

Switching between AWS accounts:

$ awsenv test
<test> $ aws s3 ls
...list of S3 objects on TEST environment...

### Explanation:
### <test> $ env | grep AWS
### AWS_ENV=test

<test> $ awsenv prod
<prod> $ aws s3 ls
...list of S3 objects on PROD environment...

### Explanation:
### <prod> $ env | grep AWS
### AWS_ENV=prod

Renewing AWS API access keys:

$ awsenv prod

### Explanation:
### <prod> $ env | grep AWS
### AWS_ENV=prod

<prod> $ awsroll prod
Rolled key for env prod: AccessKeyId=****************ZKQFQ; CreateDate=2018-11-14 13:10:04+00:00
<prod> $ awsenv prod

### Explanation:
### <prod> $ env | grep AWS
### AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=napb9J2RKzsSiTIjLRavN09qIfFzrMo7846zr2ou
### AWS_ENV=prod

Getting started


aws-tools requires gpg (version >= 2.X) to decrypt/encrypt your AWS credentials.

Install necessary packages, and generate a new key pair:

$ sudo apt-get install gpg gpg-agent
$ gpg --gen-key
This document covers only gpg commands required to run aws-tools! If you need to use other gpg parameters, go to gpg documentation.

Configure your region using awscli if you haven't done that yet:

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]:
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]: eu-west-1
Default output format [None]:
Do not provide any keys here!


Simply run:

$ pip install --user aws-tools


AWS Credentials

In ~/.aws directory create temporary env.<environment>.conf file for each AWS environment.

For example, if you have 3 AWS environments: TEST, STAGE and PROD, there should be 3 config files in ~/.aws directory:


Edit each file:

aws_access_key_id = <your_environment_specific_access_key_id>
aws_secret_access_key = <your_environment_specific_secret_access_key>

Encrypt each file with gpg:

$ gpg --encrypt --armor --output env.<environment>.conf.asc -r <your-gpg-user-id-name> env.<environment>.conf

and remove temporary env.*.conf files!

Run gpg -K to find out what is your <your-gpg-user-id-name>


aws-tools comes with handy command completion and bash prompt features. Simply add to your ~/.bashrc:

source $HOME/.local/bin/aws_tools_completion.bash 2>/dev/null
export PS1="\$(__awsenv_ps1 2>/dev/null)${PS1}"

SMTP credentials (optional)

This step is helpful if you want to send renewed AWS access keys to an email.

In ~/.aws directory create temporary smtp.cfg file.

Edit smtp settings:

smtplogin = <your_full_smtp_login>
smtppass = <your_password>
smtphost = <smtp_host>
smtpport = <smtp_port>

Encrypt config file with gpg:

$ gpg --encrypt --armor --output smtp.cfg.asc -r <your-gpg-user-id-name> smtp.cfg

and remove temporary smtp.cfg file!




$ awsenv<TAB><TAB>
prod stage test

Use TEST access keys:

$ awsenv test

Unset AWS access keys for current shell:

$ awsenv unset

Rotate PROD access keys:

$ awsroll prod

Rotate access keys for all environments:

$ awsroll

Rotate access keys for all environments using gpg agent, and send them to the email:

$ aws-roll-keys.py -a -e all -s <email@domain.org>

Rotate access keys for TEST environment and send info to the email:

$ aws-roll-keys.py -e test -i <email@domain.org>