
wordcounts from source files throughout git history

Primary LanguageScala


Wordcounts from source files throughout git history

Initial code by profes as an exercise solution for scalania meeting.


First, you need a clean Postgresql database. Copy src/main/resources/application.conf.template to application.conf in the same directory, and fill it with connection/login information (ip address, database name, user and password).

Run create table wordcounts statement from src/main/resources/sql/create_table.sql script on the database.

Start sbt console in root project directory

sbt console

Prepare absolute path to directory containing git repository of scala application (with many "*.scala" files), and use it to load history of wordcounts into the database:

scala> LoadApi.loadAll("/home/bka/kod/github/caves", 50)

Next, run whole script src/main/resources/sql/prepare_for_analysis.sql on the database.

Make directory for charts

mkdir caves_charts

Start sbt console again

sbt console

Generate charts for 100 top words

scala> ReportApi.charts("./caves_charts")

Enjoy viewing the charts!

Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3