
Sample microservice system implemented in Spring Cloud

Primary LanguageJava


A showcase project for simple system in microservice architecture.

To Run prometheus:

docker compose up


Api Gateway - Spring gateway with reactive router, Load Balancer, and Circuit Breaker.
To add circut breaker to gateway we use Resilience4j library



public class GatewayConfig {

    public RouteLocator routeLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder routeLocatorBuilder) {
        return routeLocatorBuilder
                .route("greetings", r -> r.path("/greetings/*")
                        .filters(f -> f.circuitBreaker(c -> c.setName("circut").setFallbackUri("forward:/fallback")))
                .route("fallback", r -> r.path("/fallback").uri("lb://fallback-service"))

Above config will set route to hello service, and if hello service will be unavailable, rerute request to fallback service

Discovery Service - Netflix Eureka.
Hello Service - Springboot application with simple message Hello.
In helllo serice we are using prometheus to count number of call to hello endpoint. First we need to create Mettrics Manager

public class MetricsManager {
    private final Counter counter;

    public MetricsManager(MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {
        this.counter = meterRegistry.counter("get_counter_functional");

    public void inc(){

And now we can use it in our service:

  RouterFunction<ServerResponse> router() {
    return route().nest(RequestPredicates.path("greetings"), builder -> builder.GET("/hello", h -> get())).build();

  public Mono<ServerResponse> get() {
    return Mono.fromRunnable(metricsManager::inc).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic())
        .then(ServerResponse.ok().bodyValue("Hello From service! " + value));


Fallback Service - Springboot application that is used for Fallback in case Hello Service is not reacheble.