
An app for creating absolute urls in Django templates. It works like built-in Django `url` template tag but with absolute urls.

Primary LanguagePython

===== Django Absolute Url

Absolute Url is an app for creating absolute urls in Django templates that works exactly like built-in Django 'url' template tag but with absolute urls.


Install using PIP

pip install django-absoluteurl

Add "absoluteurl" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:



First load it in Django template and use it as a tag.

{% load absoluteurl %}

This is simplest example:
{% absoluteurl 'name_for_your_url' %}

This is an absolute url for some object:
{% absoluteurl 'your_namespace:your_view' some_id=some_object.id %}

You can also use it with 'as' form:
{% absoluteurl 'your_namespace:your_view' some_id=some_object.id as abs_url %}
{{ abs_url }}


Created by Bartosz Gryszko, 2014 MIT License