
Lightweight, Material Design inspired "go to top button". No dependencies. Pure Angular!

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular ScrollTop Button

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Lightweight, Material Design inspired button for scroll-to-top of the page. No dependencies. Pure Angular!

Angular 17, Angular Universal (SSR) a Standalone Components compatible

Just hit the button to smoothly scroll back to the top of the page. Here's the demo.

  • Lightweight (~2 kB gzipped)
  • No dependencies! (only smooth scroll-behavior polyfill for iOS 14 and lower)
  • Material Design inspired
  • @angular/material compatible (example)
  • Component or directive way
  • Smoothly animated
  • a11y ready
  • Highly customizable options...
  • Angular 17
  • Angular 5+ compatible

Demo animation

Demo (example)

Watch this demo page

Or play with it live on stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-scrolltop


Automatically (recommended) 🚀

You're not using the latest version of Angular? See our Angular compatibility instructions…

ng add ngx-scrolltop # for latest Angular only! See our compatibility table

Everything's done! (module imported and all settings automatically set in your project.)

Now just see some options and examples.

Manually (old-school) 🛠

Via yarn or npm

npm install ngx-scrolltop --save # for lastest Angular only! See our compatibility table

Setup (manually)

+ import { NgxScrollTopModule } from 'ngx-scrolltop';

  imports: [
+   NgxScrollTopModule
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


Angular version ngx-scrolltop Install
ng17 v7.x.x ng add ngx-scrolltop@latest
ng16 v6.x.x ng add ngx-scrolltop@6
ng15 v6.x.x ng add ngx-scrolltop@6
ng14 v4.x.x ng add ngx-scrolltop@4
ng13 v4.x.x ng add ngx-scrolltop@4
ng12 v4.x.x ng add ngx-scrolltop@4
ng5 – ng11 v2.x.x ng add ngx-scrolltop@2

Note: Since ngx-scrolltop v3, the library is compiled with IVY and fully supports Angular12+ (you can't use this with older Angular version anymore!)

If you still need to use it with an older version of Angular, then use version 2, which is still available: ng add ngx-scrolltop@2


Component way (default)

In app.component.html you just need to add your new button. Usually at the end of file.


Directive way

Your custom element somewhere in you application...

Important: (no style applied, everything is up to you. Of course I recommend position: fixed, ...)

<span ngxScrollTop class="my-custom-element-with-my-style__no-lib-style-applied-here">
  ↑ My Custom Element. ↑



Option Type Default Description
mode 'smart' | 'classic' 'classic' Smart mode shows button only when you scroll more than two screens down and then you will try to go back to top. Classic mode shows button immediately when you scroll at least one screen down.
backgroundColor string #212121 Background color (you can use all values for backgroud-color css property). You can override theme color
symbolColor string #fafafa Symbol color (you can use all values for fill svg property). You can override theme color
size number 40 Button size [in pixels]. (Symbol will be resized automatically)
symbol string You can use utf8 chars for customizing symbol. For example: Removed in v2.0.0. Use content projection. See example here
position 'left' | 'right' 'right' Left or right, that is the question...
theme NgxScrollTopTheme 'gray' Choose from official Material color themes


Since version v2.0.0 you can use content projection for your own symbol.


Or you can even use your own components or fonts (e.g. fontAwesome)

  <i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i>


Option Type Default Description
[ngxScrollTopMode] 'smart' | 'classic' 'classic' Smart mode shows button only when you scroll more than two screens down and then you will try to go back to top.Classic mode shows button immediately when you scroll at least one screen down.


Advanced example (component)



Angular Material example (directive)

@angular/material required




.my-custom-style {
  position: fixed;
  right: 20px;
  bottom: 20px;


Pure Angular! (with smooth scroll-behaviour polyfill for iOS)

Development (notes for contributors)

Publish Stable

yarn release:patch
# yarn release:minor
# yarn release:major

Publish next channel

  1. Bump version -beta.0 in package.json
  2. yarn publish:next


Old version of Angular


If you are using older Angular (5 – 11) you will see this error on build or start:

ERROR in node_modules/ngx-scrolltop/lib/ngx-scrolltop.core.service.d.ts:13:21 - error TS2694: Namespace '"/Users/user/projects/my-project/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'ɵɵFactoryDeclaration'.


Easy! Use compatibility version of this library npm install ngx-scrolltop@2 --save

See our Angular compatibility instructions…


If you are using Angular 14 with latest ngx-scrolltop library, you will see this error on build or start:

Error: node_modules/ngx-scrolltop/lib/ngx-scrolltop.component.d.ts:21:18 - error TS2707: Generic type 'ɵɵComponentDeclaration' requires between 7 and 8 type arguments.

21     static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<NgxScrollTopComponent, "ngx-scrolltop", never, { "backgroundColor": "backgroundColor"; "symbolColor": "symbolColor"; "size": "size"; "symbol": "symbol"; "position": "position"; "theme": "theme"; "mode": "mode"; }, {}, never, ["*"], false, never>;

Error: node_modules/ngx-scrolltop/lib/ngx-scrolltop.directive.d.ts:17:18 - error TS2707: Generic type 'ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration' requires between 6 and 8 type arguments.

17     static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<NgxScrollTopDirective, "[ngxScrollTop]", never, { "mode": "ngxScrollTopMode"; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;


Easy! Use compatibility version of this library npm install ngx-scrolltop@4 --save

See our Angular compatibility instructions…


If this project have helped you save time please consider making a donation for some 🍺 or 🍵 ;)


Copyright © 2023 Lukas Bartak

Proudly powered by nature 🗻, wind 💨, tea 🍵 and beer 🍺 ;)

All contents are licensed under the MIT license.