
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) control point

Primary LanguageErlang

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) control point

Universal Plug and Play client (control point) which was originally created as a support library for https://github.com/bartima3us/erl-bittorrent to make file seeding process easily. Based on that fact it has only automated port forwarding and subscription. Other actions can be made manually or easily automated as described in "Extending" section.

Works on Erlang/OTP 20.0 or newer.

UPnP architecture and specification documents: https://openconnectivity.org/developer/specifications/upnp-resources/upnp

Start the client and network discovering in two steps

{ok, ClientPid} = erl_upnp_client:start_link().
erl_upnp_client:start_discover(ClientPid, Delay, Target).

Start the client and network discovering in one step

{ok, ClientPid} = erl_upnp_client:start_discover_link(Target, Opts).
  • Delay :: pos_integer() Time (in seconds) by which network should send responses. It is needed to avoid packets flood (network congestion). Recommended: 2.

  • Target:

    • Target :: ssdp_all Return all UPnP compatible devices and services from the network.
    • Target :: upnp_rootdevice Return all UPnP root devices from the network.
    • Target :: {uuid, string()} Return device with concrete UUID. UUID example: "429ec14c-8e4a-4074-89cc-01fc84e31e1f"
    • Target :: string() Some custom search request. Example: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1"
  • Opts :: [option()]:

    • {delay, TimeS :: pos_integer()} - The same as Delay in erl_upnp_client:start_discover/3 function. Default: 2.
    • {poll, TimeMS :: pos_integer()} - Time in milliseconds. Will poll network every TimeMS milliseconds to search for a new devices. Default: false (that means poll will occur only one time).

Constant network polling can also be enabled by direct call

erl_upnp_client:start_poll(ClientPid, TimeMS).

...and disabled


Return all entities from the state

erl_upnp_client:get_devices(ClientPid, ReturnFormat).
  • ReturnFormat :
    • ReturnFormat :: hierarchical Return all devices and entities in their original places from hierarchical point of view.
    • ReturnFormat :: flat Return all embedded devices in one list.

Find entities in the state by the key

erl_upnp_client:find_entity(ClientPid, Key).
erl_upnp_client:find_entity(ClientPid, Key).
  • Key :: string() Key is a device or service type with or without version, or a full service type. Key examples: "InternetGatewayDevice", "Layer3Forwarding:1", "WANDevice:2", "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:Layer3Forwarding:1".

Return all unidentified entities (which don't have a LOCATION header or which LOCATION link is not working for some reason)


Return a port which is using as a source port by the control point (client)


Stop the client


Attach event handler to client event manager and get data about new entities as soon as they are discovered

EventMgrPid = erl_upnp_client:get_event_mgr_pid(ClientPid)
add_sup_handler(EventMgrPid, your_handler_mod, []).

Events which should be handled in the attached handler:

  • {raw_entity_discovered, Data}
  • {device_discovered, Data}

Start the client

{ok, ClientPid} = erl_upnp_igd:start_link().

Add new port mapping (port forwarding)

erl_upnp_igd:add_port_mapping(ClientPid, Host, ExternalPort, InternalPort, Protocol, Description, TTL).
  • Host :: inet:ip4_address() | string() Domain name or IP from which can be received packets only after port forward. Empty string - wildcard (all IP's).
  • ExternalPort :: inet:port_number() External port to which port should be mapped. 0 means all external ports will be opened (very dangerous!).
  • InternalPort :: inet:port_number() External port from which port should be mapped.
  • Protocol :: tcp | udp TCP or UDP mapper.
  • Description :: string() Just plain description what this port forward about.
  • TTL :: pos_integer() Time to live for port forward in seconds. Valid range: [1, 604800].

TCP port forwarding from internal port 6020 to external port 6030 which will be automatically deleted after 60 seconds.

erl_upnp_igd:add_port_mapping(ClientPid, "", 6020, 6030, tcp, "For BitTorrent.", 60).

Add new any port mapping. This function is almost the same as erl_upnp_igd:add_port_mapping/7 except that if given external port is already in use, it will select one of the free external ports and make a port mapper on it.

erl_upnp_igd:add_any_port_mapping(ClientPid, Host, ExternalPort, InternalPort, Protocol, Description, TTL).

Return data about particular port mapping

erl_upnp_igd:get_port_mapping(ClientPid, Host, ExternalPort, Protocol).


erl_upnp_igd:get_port_mapping(ClientPid, "", 6020, tcp).

Delete particular port mapping

erl_upnp_igd:delete_port_mapping(ClientPid, Host, ExternalPort, Protocol).


erl_upnp_igd:delete_port_mapping(ClientPid, "", 6020, tcp).

Stop the client


State variable changes can be subscribed and received as Erlang events.

Start the subscriber

{ok, ClientPid} = erl_upnp_subscriber:start_link().

Get event manager pid and attach event handler

EventMgrPid = erl_upnp_subscriber:get_event_mgr_pid(ClientPid).
gen_event:add_handler(EventMgrPid, your_upnp_event_handler, []).

Events which should be handled in the attached handler:

  • {state_var, Var, Val, Extra} - Will be sent when subscribed state variable is changed. Extra - is an extra data in proplist (keys: "SEQ", host", "SID"). Warning! First send will occur just after new subscription with current values of state variables, and this first event SEQ will be 0. Every later event SEQ will be increased by 1.
  • {subscription_timeout, SID} - Will be sent when subscription time to live is over.

Start subscription

erl_upnp_subscriber:subscribe(ClientPid, ServiceType, StateVariables, TTL).
  • ServiceType :: string() Service you want to subscribe. Example: "RenderingControl:1".
  • StateVariables :: [string()] List of state variable you want to subscribe. Empty list mean that all variables of that service will be subscribed. Example: ["LastChange"]. Warning! Not all devices support state variables list. In that case this list will be ignored and all variables will be subscribed.
  • TTL :: pos_integer() | infinite Time to live for subscription in seconds or infinite atom. Warning! Since UPnP v2.0 does not support "real" infinite subscription anymore, infinite subscription in reality (this client reality) is 30 minutes subscription which is constantly updated just before end.


erl_upnp_subscriber:subscribe(ClientPid, "RenderingControl:1", [], 1800).

Get current subscriptions


Get subscriber callback URL


Stop subscription of some service

erl_upnp_subscriber:unsubscribe(ClientPid, ServiceType).

Stop the subscriber


This UPnP control point can be easily extended with more services support.
Helpers can be found in erl_upnp_helper.erl module.
3 examples how to implement some behaviour using device discovering: erl_upnp_igd.erl, erl_upnp_subscriber.erl and erl_upnp_rendering_control.erl (this one just for fun).

EUnit and CT tests

$ make tests