
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Zenbox (supports turbolinks)

zendesk supplies feedback tab.

Setting up your Feedback Tab channel : Zendesk Support

but it doesn't run collectly with turbolinks.


so I decided to create own zenbox.js


  1. copy "zenbox.js" into vendor/assets/javascripts
  2. require zenbox.js from application.js
# = require zenbox.js
  1. paste following lines into layouts/application.html
  window.zenbox_params = {
    dropboxID:   "your id",
    url:         "https://yourname.zendesk.com",
    tabTooltip:  "Support",
    tabImageURL: "https://p1.zdassets.com/external/zenbox/images/tab_ja_support.png",
    tabColor:    "black",
    tabPosition: "Left"


Diffs from original

  1. binding to 'page:load' not 'load'
  2. window.Zenbox has an function nullifyTab

it nullifies an local variable named 'tab'. Zenbox.init creates elements if only !tab is true. So we must nullify tab before init.