Web Calculator

In this two-part exercise you are tasked with creating a Web Calculator. This calculator should accept two numbers from the user and provide them with the answer.

Part One

In the first part of the exercise, your calculator will be doing addition only. Your calculator should be made up of two fields for the user to provide you with numbers. It should have some indicator that lets the user know you will be adding them together. It should have a button for the user to request the answer. Finally, it should display that answer on the screen for the user. Your solution should consist of the HTML page that is presented to the user and the JavaScript code that will do the calculation.

You should create a branch named part-one-answer to which you will commit your files. This branch should be pushed to GitHub. On GitHub you should create a pull request and add your instructor as a reviewer.

Extra Credit

To receive extra credit for this assignment, make it pretty. Use what you have learned about CSS to make your calculator look awesome.

Part Two

In the second part of the exercise, you will update your calculator such that it will be able to perform all four basic math operations (+, -, *, /) on the two numbers provided. You should update your HTML to include a way for the user to choose their operation and update your JavaScript to perform the correct calculation.

You should create a branch named part-two-answer to which you will commit your files. This branch should be pushed to GitHub. On GitHub you should create a pull request and add your instructor as a reviewer.