
Mastering Core Data With Swift 3

Primary LanguageSwift

Mastering Core Data With Swift 3

Author: Bart Jacobs

Whenever I teach developers Core Data, I emphasize how important it is to focus on the fundamentals first. The vast majority of issues developers run into are caused by a lack of knowledge about the ins and outs of the framework. Core Data is not difficult if you understand how the framework works.

In Mastering Core Data With Swift 3, you learn everything you need to know to integrate Core Data in a Swift application. We focus on the key players of the framework and build an application that takes advantage of the core features of the framework.

We start the course with an exploration of the heart of every Core Data application, the Core Data stack. We then take a closer look at the data model of a Core Data application. This teaches you about entities, attributes, and relationships. These are the ingredients of every Core Data application.

During the course, we build an application that manages notes. We start from scratch, build a Core Data stack, create a data model, and add several features, such as categories and tags. Every feature teaches you a new concept of the Core Data framework.

We do not skip the more advanced features of the framework. We discuss data model migrations, working with multiple managed object contexts, and using Core Data in a multithreaded environment.

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