After starting the server you can quickly try it out by issuing the following from the command line:
curl "localhost:3000/api/names?db=test" -H "content-type: application/json" -d '[{"name": "many", "age": 7, "address": { "first": "178 main lane", "zip": "92123"}}, {"test": 123}, {"third": "hello mr third"}, { "noschema": true }]'
This should add 3 documents to the name collection in database test:
Supported REST requests
GET /collection Returns all documents in collection
GET /collection/id Returns document with id
GET /collection/count?query={"name":{"$gt":"A"}&limit=1000&skip=100 Counts number of documents in collection filtered by query with limit and skip
GET /collection?query={"name":{"$gt":"A"}&limit=1000&skip=100&sort=field1,field2:asc&fields=field1,field2 Returns all documents in collection
- filtered by query
- projecting only specified fields -
- in sort order
- with skip and limit
HEAD /collection?query={"name":{"$gt":"A"}&limit=1000&skip=100&sort=field1,field2:asc&fields=field1,field2 Same as /GET but only returns header containing X-Document-Count, no body
POST /collection Insert new document in collection (document(s) in POST body)
PUT /collection/id Update document with id (update document in PUT body)
PATCH /collection/id Update document with fields in body
DELETE /collection/id Delete document with id
parameters includes:
query - query in json object as per mongodb (GET/HEAD only)
limit - integer (GET only)
skip - integer (GET only)
sort - field list in order, with asc or desc (GET/HEAD only)
fields - field list used for projection (GET/HEAD only)
db - database name - Default defined in the service, but user can override.
support aggregate queries?
Authentication to be implemented - passport / loopback?