
Small demonstration notes CRUD application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Notes Application

A small system for managing notes.



Comprises two sub-projects - API and UI. Both are written in javascript. Each has a separate readme.md file.


The API is Restful JSON and runs on the koa <www.koajs.com> (express successor) framework. It is a native nodejs application, using es7 (async/await) for added simplicity. It therefore requires node 7.6 or above. The API includes cors support. The API is documented here.


The UI is written using the angularjs 1.x framework. It is an SPA application. In uses ES6. Babel is used to compile down to ES5 so that it will run on older browsers, such as Internet Explorer. Bootstrap 4 has been used for the presentation. The UI is transpiled, uglified and minified and packaged by Webpack.

The UI and API can be served by separate servers, but for demo purposes the UI is coded to run on the same machine.


You will need:

  • Apple Mac (Linux should work but not tested -- uses sh commands)
  • Node 7.6 or greater (I used v8.7.0)
  • Xcode additional components (required to build some of the dependencies)
  • 1 minute to build


During development it is recommended to run the UI using the webpack-dev-server. This provides hot reload and eases debugging with inline-sourcemap.

To start the ui server in development mode, start a terminal window and enter..

cd notes-ui     
npm i
npm start

To start the api server in development mode, start a terminal window and enter..

cd notes-api
npm i
npm start

The UI will run on port 8080. The API will run on port 3200.

Note: the UI project is based on a starter project angularjs-webpack. This includes an large number of npm dependencies. The biggest being phantomjs and other packages used for testing. These are dev-dependencies, so do not have an impact on the generated app bundle.


You should make sure the API is not running, then you can run the tests via:

cd notes

The script will build the API and run the unit tests. Given time I would make easier to configure.

Production Running

A simple convenience script has been produced to build both API and UI, then run the API to serve the frontend.

cd notes

Note: you may need to give execution permissions to demo.sh by chmod +x demo.sh


In production /demno mode go to http://localhost:3200. In development mode go to http://localhost:8080

The system comprises 2 views and 1 modal (using one of the views).

You are initially presented with a list of notes. From here you can Create new notes, view existing notes and delete one or more selected notes,

The format of the URL is:

http://localhost:3200/#!/notes - lists all notes and is the home page / default view.

http://localhost:3200/#!/note/16 - goes to note number 16.

You can also directly access the API using:

http://localhost:3200/api/notes - gets all the notes in JSON.

The full specification of API is here