
Unit test framework for Gnome JS applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Gjs comes with JsUnit, but I was not really satisfied by using it. So here is GjsUnit, a Js unit test utility written in the "Gnome" flavour.

GjsUnit is made of only one Js file you can add to your projects and start testing your applications.

This repository is made of 3 files:

  • gjsunit.js the test framework itself
  • t_gjsunit.js a test suite to illustrate how to use GjsUnit
  • run.js the file to run the tests.

To run GjsUnit:

  • clone this repo
  • open a terminal in the GjsUnit folder
  • run "GJS_PATH=. gjs run.js"

And you should see the trace of the provided test suite:

~/GjsUnit$ GJS_PATH=. gjs run.js

  • GjsUnit to run 1 suite(s)

  • Starting suite: Test GjsUnit - 4 test(s) to run

  • Test: Test NotNull..........OK

  • Test: Test Null..........OK

  • Test: Test fail..........KO

  • GjsUnitException: a failure

  • at _getStackTrace (gjsunit.js:7)

  • at GjsUnitException (gjsunit.js:47)

  • at _assert (gjsunit.js:62)

  • at fail (gjsunit.js:90)

  • at anonymous (t_gjsunit.js:18)

  • at Runner.run (gjsunit.js:211)

  • at wrapper (lang.js:213)

  • at anonymous (@run.js:8)

  • Test: Test error..........KO

  • TypeError: null has no properties

  • at anonymous (t_gjsunit.js:22)

  • at Runner.run (gjsunit.js:211)

  • at wrapper (lang.js:213)

  • at anonymous (@run.js:8)

  • Suite(50.00%) - Run: 4 - OK: 2 - Failed: 1 - Errors: 1

  • GLOBAL(50.00%) - Suites: 1 - Tests: 4 - OK: 2 - Failed: 1 - Errors: 1

Indeed, the output in the terminal will be more user friendly, I just can't get the same from the GitHub markdown ;-)