
Jasmine for GJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Jasmine for GJS

Jasmine is a BDD (behavior-driven development) framework for JavaScript.


This module allows you to run Jasmine specs for your GJS code. The output will be displayed in your terminal.


From Git:

git clone https://github.com/ptomato/jasmine-gjs
cd jasmine-gjs
sudo make install

From a tarball:

tar xJf jasmine-gjs-2.1.3.tar.xz
cd jasmine-gjs-2.1.3
sudo make install


To run your test suite, pass its directory to the jasmine command:

jasmine mytestsuitedir

To run an individual spec:

jasmine path/to/spec.js


--no-color: Don't output color in the terminal. (Opposite of --color.)

--exclude <file>: Don't run specs that match file (which may contain ? and * wildcards.) This is useful if you pass a directory of specs that also contains utility modules or specs that you don't want to run by default. You may specify this option more than once with different arguments.

--verbose: Output verbose results, formatted similarly to Mocha's output. (The default output is formatted the same as Jasmine's Node.JS runner's output.)

--tap: Output according to the Test Anything Protocol. This is useful when integrating with Automake (see below.)

--junit [<file>]: In addition to the console output, print a JUnit-style XML report to file. If no file is given, the default is report.xml in the current working directory. If you don't specify an absolute path but you do set the environment variable JASMINE_JUNIT_REPORTS_DIR, then the report will be placed there instead. This allows you to use $$tst as the argument to --junit in your Makefile to mirror your test directory structure in your report directory.

--config <file>: Use file as Jasmine's configuration file instead of the default jasmine.json.

--no-config: Don't load a configuration file, even if one is present.

Configuration file

Maybe you don't want to keep typing the same options every time you run your tests. In that case, you can create a configuration file called jasmine.json. Jasmine will look for it in the current working directory by default.

If you configure your test suites in the configuration file, then you can start Jasmine simply by running


The file should be a JSON file. You can use the following keys:

include_paths: (string or array of strings) Prepend these paths to GJS's include paths, in order of priority, highest first. (The same as specifying -I to GJS or defining the GJS_PATH environment variable.) Relative paths are resolved relative to the configuration file's location.

options: (string or array of strings) Use these command-line options for Jasmine by default. Options given on the command line will override these in the event of a conflict.

exclude: (string or array of strings) Don't run specs in these files or directories. They may contain * and ? as wildcards. (The same as specifying --exclude on the command line.)

spec_files: (string or array of strings) Run specs in these files or directories. The same as specifying files or directories on the command line. If you specify any on the command line, then this option is entirely ignored; this is useful for running your entire test suite by default but retaining the ability to run just one spec file on the command line. Relative paths are resolved relative to the configuration file's location.

environment: (object with string properties) Execute specs with a modified environment. Each property of the given object is added as an environment variable. If a property's value is null, then any existing environment variable of that name is unset. This is mainly useful if your Javascript code uses a private C library; you can add LD_LIBRARY_PATH and GI_TYPELIB_PATH to environment in order to expose that library to GJS's GObject introspection repository.

Integration with Autotools

If using autotools, you might want to integrate your test suite into your makefiles. The TAP reporter produces output that Automake can parse and display while the tests are running. That way, you have more immediate feedback and can see problems directly from your build output.

Put this code in configure.ac:


Then re-run autogen.sh or autoreconf to install the TAP driver.

Then, put this code in your Makefile.am:

JS_LOG_DRIVER = env AM_TAP_AWK='$(AWK)' $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/tap-driver.sh
JS_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS = --comments

TESTS = path/to/spec1.js path/to/spec2.js
AM_JS_LOG_FLAGS = --tap --no-config

Don't forget to EXTRA_DIST your spec files too. Now Jasmine will run your spec files one by one as part of make check.

With this configuration, the TAP driver displays all the extra diagnostic information about suites starting and finishing, and expectation messages in case of failure. If you don't want that, remove the JS_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS line.

A note on extra files

If you use on-disk test fixtures, you should note that someone may be building your software with separate source and build trees. Notably, make distcheck does this. In that case, you have to make sure that your fixtures can be found both when running tests from the source directory and from a separate build directory. I suggest defining an environment variable in your makefile that tells where the fixtures can be found. For example, in Jasmine GJS's own tests, this line is in Makefile.am:

AM_TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = export SRCDIR='$(srcdir)';

The test code then reads the environment variable like this:

let envSrcdir = GLib.getenv('SRCDIR');
const SRCDIR = envSrcdir? envSrcdir + '/' : '';

doSomethingWithFixture(SRCDIR + 'path/to/fixture');


Please file issues here at GitHub.


The idea of Jasmine for GJS was first explored by my coworkers Devin Ekins and Sam Spilsbury: eos-jasmine. This code, however, was unashamedly cribbed from Pivotal Labs' jasmine-npm, then expanded into what it is now.

Copyright (c) 2015 Philip Chimento. This software is licensed under the MIT License — because Jasmine and Jasmine NPM are too.