
CliPass - CLI access to KeePass 2.x password storage via KeePassHttp plugin

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


CliPass is a little tool, written in PHP, to connect and gather data from KeePass 2.x It uses KeePassHttp plugin, as PassIFox for Mozilla Firefox or chromeIPass for Google Chrome.


  • simple searching via provided key
  • "prefixing" search key - which is useful when using it as a part of bigger shell script
  • git-credential-helper output adapter - for simple registering CliPass as git-credential-helper, but only for 'get' method ('store' method is not supported yet)


  • PHP 5.3 or higher with mcrypt support enabled
  • KeePass 2.x with KeePassHttp plugin


Firstly you must install KeePassHttp plugin into your KeePass installation (https://github.com/pfn/keepasshttp). Then download CliPass https://github.com/bartlomiej-dudala/clipass.git and composer (into the same directory) http://getcomposer.org/download/

And then...

php composer.phar install

Done. :)


php clipass.php --key=keyToSearchInKeePassDB
php clipass.php --key=keyToSearchInKeePassDB --key-prefix=prefix- #it searches for prefix-keyToSearchInKeePassDB

When you run this tool first time, CliPass tries to associate with KeePass (in the same way as e.g. chromeIPass), and save the "identity" in the ~/clipass.identity file. If you want to remove this association - simply remove this file (or remove association field from "KeePassHttp Settings" entry in KeePass.

At this moment CliPass offers two output adapters:

  • only-first-password - gather first entry from KeePass and show only password [default]
  • git-credential-helper - for simple connect CliPass with git

Usefull tips

  • it is usefull to make an executable file somewhere in the $PATH e.g. /usr/local/bin/clipass
php /pathToCliPass/clipass.php $1 $2 $3 $4
  • running as git-credential-helper: e.g. /usr/local/bin/git-credential-clipass
clipass --output-adapter=git-credential-helper --key-prefix=git-credential- --git-command=$1
  • copy password to clipboard (with xclip):
php /pathToCliPass/clipass.php --key=KEY | xclip -i -selection clipboard
